Personal Lists featuring...

Death Line 1972


Horror featured on Night Flight. Updated weekly.


British horror. Updated weekly.


Horror streaming on Amazon Prime. Updated monthly.


Scary movies in alphabetical order


Full lenght movies watched and rewatched in 2021.


Comb your porn ’stache, put on some vinyl (records or disco boots, your choice), and smell that lead in the gasoline – we’re heading back to the Me Decade with the 100 Best 1970s Horror Movies!

The ’70s were a decade of upheaval for the genre, transforming horror into a legitimate vessel for awards recognition (The Exorcist) and the birth of the blockbuster (Jaws). The reign of Hammer gothic horror had its last gasp here (Vampire Circus), giving way to the whodunit sleaze of Italian giallo (Deep Red), American realism (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), and grindhouse (Last House on the Left). Meanwhile, legends-in-the-making made their name off horror: Steven Spielberg (Duel), Ridley Scott (Alien), David Lynch (Eraserhead), and John Carpenter (Halloween) to name a few. The only stipulation for a movie to be considered for this list was a Fresh rating, before we ranked them all by Adjusted Tomatometer.

Now that you’re keyed up, get down for some boo-gie nights as we get off on the best scary movies the 1970s offered!


21st EDITION – JULY 13-AUGUST 2, 2017
Missing :
Plan B
Punk Fu Zombie


Une putin de bonne liste française des DVD vendus avec le magazine cultissime: Mad Movies. Abonnez-vous, bande de tordus!


A list of horror movies that Rue Morgue Magazine listed as "The top 100 films a real horror film fan should see before they die".


From the book of the same name, published by Rue Morgue magazine.


You've seen The Exorcist, The Amityville Horror, The Blob. But are you familiar with The Exorcist III, Amityville II: The Possession or The Blob remake? Or minor masterpieces like Incubus, The Black Pit of Dr. M or Ichi The Killer? Fright film fans need look no further that this indispensable guide from the experts at Rue Morgue, the world's leading horror in culture and entertainment magazine. Concisely written with a view to expanding the horror film lover's palette, 200 ALTERNATIVE HORROR FILMS YOU NEED TO SEE outlines those cinematic gems you ay have missed - classic and contemporary, mainstream and obscure, home-made and foreign... and those films that simply need to make your viewing list. Featuring interviews with Guillermo del Toro, Tobe Hooper, Gaspar Noe, Roger Corman, Fred Dekker, Larry Cohen, Stuart Gordon, Ed Sanchez and more. Plus the top gore films, slashers, vampire flicks, foreign zombie movies, family fright fests and tons more!
