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Death's Roulette 2023

So so movie with a completely predictable ending. Saw it coming after the first 10 minutes.

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The acting was just no very good. Plus I couldn't stand that the version I saw was dubbed.

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Mildly suspenseful
Decent twist ending

Characters 4
Story 5
Pacing 5.5
Visuals 6
Rewatchability Factor 1
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 4
Average Score 4.25

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This one will certainly not be for everyone. A murdergame film that is dubbed over (for those watching in the US). However, I love murdergames and don't mind dubbing. This movie is comparable to Escape Room meets Saw, and I had a very good time with it. As I said, it's certainly not for everyone and doesn't do anything to stand out, but if you like these films you should like this.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Skip it, a total disaster. It is like shamalayan attempt to do Saw, under the Disney parameters.

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Honestly, any movie average Americans are grading that's not originally in English always gets a much lower rating than it should. This isn't one of those.

It starts slow and that keeps this off a 10. But once it gets going it's pretty much non stop twist and turns. At that point it's about a 7.5, maybe an 8. But the plot twist in the end steps it up a notch. There's no way to go into it without giving the whole movie away, so you'll have to watch it.

Once that plot twist happens it's an 8.5/9 easily. Very Agatha Christie-esque. The final scene is a little hokey, but the plot twist is just so damn good I rolled it up to a 9.

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