Personal Lists featuring...

Demented 1980


A subgenre of exploitation films in which a person is raped, left for dead, recovers and then exacts a graphic, gory revenge against the rapists. It is not unusual for the main character in these films to be a successful, independent city woman, who is attacked by a man from the country.


The decade to rule them all.


A large collection of stand-alone HORROR categorised Movies & TV Shows.
*Last update 06/03/2024


One of the foundational sub-genres of horror is the Slasher, a type of horror film that sees a killer stalk and slay a group of characters. Usually, the killer is masked, and the preferred weapon of choice tends to be of the bladed variety. Slashers have been around for decades, with films like Peeping Tom and Psycho credited as prototypes for the sub-genre and Halloween touted as the seminal slasher that set the mold for the modern slasher. It was the latter’s massive success that heralded in the Golden Age of Slashers. Source:


Tubi horror. Updated regularly.

Last update: 5/3/2024


You've probably never heard or seen these horror movies before, but if you're a horror fan, give them a try.


A supplementary list was issued along with the official list which featured a list of so-called "Section 3 Video Nasties". Titles on the Section 3 list could not be prosecuted for obscenity but were liable to seizure and confiscation under a 'less obscene' charge. Tapes seized under Section 3 could be destroyed after distributors or merchants forfeited them.


Horror from the 1980's. Updated regularly.


The Package. The Pandemonium. The Proud Pony Numero Two. The Paragon. The Paradox-o-logico Pissed Prospect. The Poker Prefaced Pinocchio Pair. The Paper-Pumpin' Philanthropy-Purgin' Psychic. The Pied Piping Pagan. The Blundering-Plundering Partly-Resented Resettlement. The Patriotic Perished Anti-Pacifist. The Persistent Pingu-Postin' Propaganda Seized Cureall.
The 'Past is the Past' Presenting Purple-Turnin' Possessed Pastor Priest. The Peanut Pastry Feast's Pirate President.
The Pathetic, wretched, principled page-portioned population-aimed partition. The powerful enough to probably level a whole prefecture prevailing phenomena.
Just one more prize-plucked public proximity probe mastered by me. A little elbow grease & pound for pound paradigm pushed all-the-boys-wanna-pounce pregnant princess.....reincarnated by me. me. me.
The newest project, by me. Miracled, you could say, by me.
And you best hope.

Not picked by you.


Horror streaming on Amazon Prime. Updated monthly.


Dramatic horror. Updated regularly.
