Personal Lists featuring...

Den of Thieves 2018


A list of movies that have been the subject of an episode of The Rewatchables podcast from Does not include spinoff episodes from their The Rewatchables 1999 podcasts, they are on a separate Trakt list. NOTE: Miami Vice episode is the first two episodes of the TV show. Heat and Titanic have multiple episodes, but can only be listed in Trakt once.


Standalone movies I want to watch...


Watch all of these in order if you want to truly understand the world we live in today


Everything with a (personal) Plot twist or mind f**k in the middle or at the end I watched!

(Complete personal view) This contains content that surprised me towards the end of the film/series (whatever) with the (for me) unpredictable twist. Sometimes it can also be content which just leaved me with an empty brain alone...

No guarantee for proper arrangement (everything is just a personal opinion)! This list is growing and expanding over time...


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
What Maisie Knew (2012)
Buried (2010)
The Babadook (2014)
Song of the Sea (2014)
Sleeping with Other People (2015)
Coriolanus (2011)
Palo Alto (2013)
The Hunt (2012)
Tamara Drewe (2010)
Machine Gun Preacher (2011)
Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2015)

Last Updated: 26/06/2019
