Personal Lists featuring...

Divorce Italian Style 1961


A complete list of the Criterion Collection including Eclipse Collection and featured films.


We asked 253 film critics – 118 women and 135 men – from 52 countries and six continents a simple: “What do you think are the 10 best comedies of all time?” Films from any country made since cinema was invented were eligible, and BBC Culture did nothing to define in advance what a comedy is; we left that to each of the critics to decide. As always, we urged the experts to go with their heart and pick personal favourites, films that are part of their lives, not just the ones that meet some ideal of greatness.



This is (will be) a list of every movie mentioned in a CineFix YouTube video.


The Swingin' Sixties hold a special place in popular culture, mostly because the people who came of age in that decade cannot stop talking about how great it was.


I migliori film della storia del cinema italiano
