Personal Lists featuring...

Do Not Resist 2017


A total of 145 documentary feature films have been submitted to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for consideration for the 89th Academy Awards.


Movies about labor movements, civil rights struggles, anti-war efforts, or community organizing. These movies often blend strong narrative storytelling with a deep exploration of social and political themes, providing viewers with not just a compelling story, but also a thought-provoking examination of the human condition and the power of collective action.


Mix of New and Old movies that I've watched this year order by most recently watched


Hundreds of movies come to American theaters every year. Sometimes they arrive at a rate of 20 per week, at least in New York, where most films that don’t open widely begin their first runs. And that’s not even taking into account Netflix and other streaming services, which have changed how movies are being distributed without really decreasing the total number of them out there. What this means, practically speaking, is that it’s impossible for The A.V. Club to review every new movie available to audiences in a given year, month, or week. The hard reality is that we can’t cover everything, and plenty of films slip through the cracks—not because they’re bad (although some of them are), but mainly because they’re too small to compete with the more high-profile fare we have to privilege.

These oversights do weigh on the conscience, though. And so to atone for our annual sins of omission, we try to carve out a space every December for some of the best movies we missed along the way—the films that deserve to be seen, even though we didn’t review them during their initial release. Below, we’ve singled out 13 such orphan triumphs and identified, best as we can, how you too can play catch up with them. Don’t sleep on these movies, even if we did.


Films showing during the Zürich Film Festival 2016. (largely complete)


Educational Movies & Shows to Watch - Documentaries, Biographies, Historical, etc.


Movies that I'm interested in seeing.


All the Documentaries I've Watched
