Shouts about...

Dog Days 2018

Simply put, nice movie, with few concurrent, uncomplicated threads, with really nice cast.

This movie is best watched when you simply want to take your mind off your life for little below 2 hours and have some real inner smile.
It's doing it very well. Don't misunderstand me, this is not a movie you want to watch, unless you're looking to watch just a movie like it. If you're looking for a typical evening cinema, you may get disappointed.

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Despite being more of a cat person, I rather enjoyed this film. It's predictable, but with some talented and funny actors (of the two-legged variety), the film plays along nicely enough. Still, I am hoping for a sequel - Cat Days - as that is guaranteed to be an instant hit in my eyes.

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A typical RomCom tale with the twist that we fall in love with the dogs. My disclaimer is that I like Romantic Dramas better than Romantic Comedies, because the latter seem too silly and the former seem to spring more from reality. So, I wasn't crazy about the silly but give credit to those who pull off the love stories. I give this film a 6 (typical) out of 10. [RomCom]

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