Personal Lists featuring...

Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure 1988


Lista de pelis/series que tengo que volver a ver o que tengo que ver pero en orden.

  • Curse of the Blood Rubies - what if Gokou meet Bulma, Yamcha, Oolong, Puaru and Master Roshi a different way
  • Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle - what if Gokou meets Krillin and Lunch a different way
  • Mystical Adventure - what if Tien Shinhan, Chaozu, Crane Hermit, TaoPaipai, R&R and Pilaf's gang inserted in the story differently
  • Path to Power - and again a different retelling of Gokou meets Bulma and the R&R army
  • Dead Zone - I've put this on both my lists because there are minor contradictions, but fits in between DB and DBZ
  • World's Strongest, Tree of Might, Lord Slug - what if scenarios of Goku arrived on time and defeated Nappa and Vegeta before anybody had died, take place between the Saiyan saga and Freeza

..under construction..
