Shouts about...

Dream 2023

Even if you aren't crazy about Korean drama and movies and don't recognize all the well known actors, this will still be a wonderful movie to watch. It's very well done. Very well paced. Brilliantly directed and written.
Such a heartwarming story overall. Bittersweet at moments. Thrilling and exciting at others. And definitely funny throughout. Oh and it's a tearjerker for sure.
Loved it. I was entertained and moved.
Actually hoping they make a sequel to it.

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It's a fun and interesting watch, but it didn't quite live up to my expectations after all the hype. I think I would have rated it much higher if I hadn't seen clips on social media and stuff. I regret watching all the spoilers now

Still, I think people should give it a try. It talks about being beaten down by life but striving to do better while keeping a sardonic tone about idealism. It also portrays the power media and editing has in today's world. One emotionally charged moment captured (or not captured) on camera could ruin your life but also potentially life you up.

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Park Seojoon in something after so long! Loved the camaraderie between the team players and the constant banter between Somin and Hongdae. A quick, fun, light-hearted watch that made me snort, cackle, and tear up too!

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Loved watching IU on TV after a long while ; although technically its a big-screen movie i caught up in Netflix due to lack of release in theatres in my residence .

It was tear-jerking , commercial and yet entertaining .. Park Seo-jun is also a contributing factor along with his players

P.S : Isn't the last head shot technically a foul ? :P

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