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Dune 1984

Dune (1984) has a special place in American cinema, but it really suffers from squishing 800 pages into what is basically a Table of Contents when some bland protagonists and 2-D characters in general. I can’t put much blame on any particular actor, director, special effects, etc. for this. It was a poor choice to cram all into a single movie script and then not give the proper budget to what is an epic Sci-Fi Adventure novel.

It ought to be riffed by Mystery Science Theater 3000, if MSTies can fund another season. Of course, the owners to the movie franchise would never allow MST3K riff it.

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We have seen a Fan edit that lasts almost 3 hours, after many years without seeing it, we liked it, remembering it worse, but it pales a lot next to the new one.

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A close up of a gorgeous Virginia Madison’s face on the screen in the very beginning. Is probably the best thing about this movie. Since it beats all the close ups of the repulsive Baron.
This is a more twisted and goofier version of Dune that at least has a good musical score.

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Shout by Mike

Was watching the Extended Edition of the movie.

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I’m not sure why I never saw this back in the day. I watched the 2021 version the day before and someone suggested that seeing this version would explain a lot that the 2021 version leaves out. I wonder if Denis Villeneuve assumes that everyone would have watched the Lynch version and so had more freedom to be vague on the details or if this harder, louder, abrupter version was just more the Lynch style of the 80s? I wonder what Lynch would do with it now. I’m not entirely sure why it was such a cult favourite back in the 80s … maybe Lynch just couldn’t do wrong. Maybe I’m just 40 years older lol.

The casting is meh. The cinematography, even considering the times is meh.

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Science fiction with the particular vision of David Lynch

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Contrary to the overwhelming opinion, I believe this film to be a masterpiece. Stunning visuals invoking what many steampunk aficionado’s attempt to do add to a profound soundtrack, classically orchestrated score and very well paced plot.

Yes, Lynchs’ limitations on this is legend, however, he finished - unlike Vilanuevas boring, dull and visually unstimulated clone. 1984s Dune got us to the end of the Atreides and Muadib saga with heart, grace and Patrick Stewart. Twelve bags of popcorn.

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I'm one of the weird ones that actually really like this movie. I can't help it. It mesmerized me when I was a child, and it still does something profound to me when I watch it as an adult.

But is it a good movie? Not in the slightest!! I've now watched it in glorious 4k (the Arrow release, if anyone wondered), and its shortcomings are even more profound now. To me…that doesn't really matter. I still enjoy Toto's score, I still enjoy the visuals, and as usual, I'm a sucker for Lynches storytelling. Nostalgia is powerful when it comes to movies.

…but it's still not a very good movie, so if you are new to Dune, you are better off watching Denis Villeneuve's attempt on Herbert's masterpiece. That, at least, is a good movie…

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oh my... does including every single thought of the main character was necessary?

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The pacing is horrible. It is watchable for the first half. But then the time jumps and all around confusion just ruins such an incredible story. The mini series has better acting and pacing.

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I knew nothing about it other than it was poorly received. Now I see why.
An incomprehensible mess. Having said that, I actually enjoyed the last hour, when the hero became a leader (except for the incredibly rushed romance subplot)

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Went to see this at the cinema at a special showing to mark the imminent release of the remake. Never seen it before, knew nothing about it. No preconceptions at all.

It was bad. Like really bad. Like a Bollywood version of Star Wars but without the songs. Some of the visuals were nice and the Lynchian vision is always fascinating, but there's no story, no plot, no characters. I was praying for it to end.

A classic? No chance.

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They start the movie with a person talking to the camera to explain the plot. Then they don't do anything after that to make us care about the characters.

The next scene is a strange blob talking to an I imagine important person about having to kill someone. It was like listening to someone's phone conversation.

Far too much telling, instead of showing the lives of the characters for viewers to invest in. In other words, boring and I turned it off.

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Finding bits of sand weeks later

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Shout by Simon

Watching now, this movie remains fairly up to date although the futuristic ‘clans’ seem to have advanced technology coupled with outdated [1980’s] approaches which clash a little.

I have to feel sorry for the worms being used as battle machines and what kind of brother sends a little sister. Into the lions den like that !

Entertaining if confusing at times. Lock-in forward to seeing the new spin on this due shortly

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An absolute mess, even though I read the books a couple of years ago. The visuals, along with the acting are horribly weak and the story can only be somewhat understood if you read the book(s). Do not recommend.

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Kitsch or Kringe? David Lynch was simply the wrong choice for this movie. His penchant for 50s-style melodrama makes Dune look like a space opera, and I bet some of his practical special effects were so bad that someone decided to invent CGI after seeing this.

So, why do I like this film? It's crap, but it's endearing crap. Dune is easy to watch, and it's reassuring to see even greats like Lynch make mistakes, too.

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Every component of this movie except the visuals are hot dogshit and if this movie didn't say David Lynch on it it wouldn't be as loved as it is.

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This movie is really good I however can only give this version a 9 as this is the 2 hours and 17 minutes version there is a longer version that has a run time 2 hours and 57 minutes that one i'd give a 10 to.

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@seanmsu yep, it's a hot mess, but I throughly enjoy it. The visuals amaze me on every viewing.

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I like Dune more each time I watch it. Perhaps not so much the film itself but how it reminds me of the 80s, a great time to be in your 20s.

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I gave up at 2 hrs.

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SciFi-Movies often do not stand the test of time, nowadays e.g. the original Star Wars or Star Trek flicks as well as Alien look ridiculous at certain times. But this is nothing compared to Dune, because here weak acting (or at least very weak characters) are put into the mix and make this supposedly master piece really bad. Why Dune is (still) considered a must-see by certain fans is beyond me and I suspect that the hype about director David Lynch is the main reason for that.

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This is a very polarizing film and for good reason. The book is one of the greatest of all time and there are enormous expectations for any Dune adaptation, yet it's worth noting that Dune is 800 pages long so turning the book into a single, 2.5 hour movie is incredibly difficult. It's apparent that there is a drop in quality about half way through the movie, this is because Lynch's budget and time frame weren't matching up with what the studio allowed for him. This unfortunately led to a rushed and fairly low quality ending to Dune. However, the Intro to this movie with Princess Irulan explaining the universe in space is my favorite of all time and the first half in general is excellent. All in all Lynch did all he could to save this movie and it is still enjoyable but the task was too big even for an excellent director like David Lynch

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Great flick in it's day. Cult classic.

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What a clusterfuck of a movie

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dont understand the film at all, didnt read the original novel, but the scenes are really well built as to 1980s

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A classic, but the one that got to cut up the script and toss out the scenes that just did not cut it, tossed out the wrong ones.

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