Didn’t expect to enjoy it that much. It was a lot of fun to watch. A lot of jokes landed really well, some didn’t but it’s okay.

I’m still thinking about the chase with the big dragon bit and it makes me smile the day after :blush:

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So I went in completely blind. Up until yesterday I didn't even know this existed and I was positively surprised. There are some spots with bad CGI (that potato throw there was especially bad), but overall this was amazing... it's a proper fantasy movie, something we don't get very often nowadays!

Like someone else has said: this has no right to be as good as it is.

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I felt like at times it reaches beyond the fourth wall with the comments and remarks that probably meant to "explain" things to the "normies", as opposed to just being a plain joyride for the "nerds". Starts off a little slow, and there are some eyeroll moments later on as well, but the cast manages to shine through and make it a fun experience.
The fact that Hugh Grant, nearly two decades later, is basically playing Daniel Cleaver again, this time injected into a Master of Laketown - that alone is absolutely hilarious. And of course, Michelle Rodriguez is always great.

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The medieval fantasy setting isn’t really my cup of tea, but I heard good things about this movie and wanted to check it out. To my surprise, I really enjoyed it! A lot of charm, wit, and clever story telling!

If this one :asterisk_symbol:sounds:asterisk_symbol: interesting to you, you really need to check it out.

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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It is a good movie with many fun parts and good acting. I enjoyed my time there, maybe that would be a franchise, who knows :sweat_smile:
I just had one comment on the twist it wasn't the best, story was good but it felt a little weird at the end.

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This is a fun movie that is able to make fun of its source material. There is nothing too crazy regarding the story, but it was enjoyable to watch.

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This movie was exactly what it should have been, fun and a good watch. I very much enjoyed it. I hope they make some sequels.

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Shout by Der

Better than the other D&D movies by a lot. It’s fun and occasionally funny, nothing really epic or rewatchable about it. The cast did a pretty good job with their characters, some really captured the their archetype with the antisocial Druid, and too good to be around paladin. The self doubting wizard is way overdone. The speak with dead gag is exactly what would happen, with real gamers but they don’t drag it out till it’s painful.

The totality telegraphed and obvious evil plan was stopped by distracting the towns people away from it’s effects. Couldn’t bother to lock them in or maybe a spell, to trap them if all it takes to avoid your evil master plan is to leave?

There is sorta dungeon crawling and a few dragons so at least they got that right.

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While it's not as great as I had expected, it's still a pretty good movie. Having been a die hard D&D fan since the 80's this really appealed to me and you got the flavor of playing D&D even though it was a movie. Michelle Rodriguez steals the movie, honestly, as Chris Pine just does Chris Pine - and he does it very well in this movie, but it's the same guy we've seen since Star Trek.

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I wasnt expecting much of it, but it is a great movie! I hope they can keep the top quality if they go for a franchise

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I was expecting something more "wow", and it's just a simple adventure movie full of references to D&D.

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Boarders and roleplayers will get a lot more fun from the film than viewers tuned in to fantasy Guardians. We tried to please everyone by showing a small adventure of the party of heroes, not filming Baldurs Gate (eh!) and lowering the entry threshold. The layer of D&D culture deserved more. Dark Elf, Dark Sun, Ravenloft, hundreds of books and their fans are waiting. Maybe a series?

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The trailer looked like ass and completely undersold the movie. This was pretty fantastic! Lot of stealth, great action, some brilliant theming, and CGI + effects that look just good enough.

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Good CG, but predictable woke feminist formula. Weak writing, e.g. plot and character development.

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Honestly a better adventure than I think I was expecting. There was wit, storytelling and the touch of a bard. It was not so much a giant mash of DnD references as much as it was actually listen to the story of a friend’s campaign.

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Very enjoyable movie. Good cast. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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it was fine , in a way

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It's kinda silly, a bit predictable but also visually stunning, well acted and funny. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I feel like this was a huge miss. Just like all the other Dungeon & Dragons movies. Someday, they'll get it right.
I think that 99% of the jokes, humor and comedy bits all fell flat. There were just a couple jokes that made me smile. But still, it's worth a watch.
The best part of the movie was the cute CHONKY dragon - lol!

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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A surprisingly pleasing movie with lovable characters. Something I will watch when bored. :smiley:

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Shout by Diego

We want to watch this with my D&D group. We all enjoyed it - and what is best, the movie had us thinking about the way we play, as well as brought us inti discussing details what happened on screen. Definitely recommend to any D&D player - even thiugh the movie is not 1:1 to the rules. Expect funny & light D&D experience. Not so much different from the way we play. Making fun of the rules dungeon master prepared, trying to get ariund it. But mostly, enjoy the journey there. The characters and the way they go through movie bring so much. Very relatable to the way a lot of D&D players would play then.

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A wonderfully entertaining and captivating fantasy film. From start to finish. Absolutely loved it. I laughed, I cried, I even liked Regé-Jean Page's performance in here. AND loved Michelle Rodriguez's character. The movie is THAT good. Reminded me a lot of Guy Ritchie's King Arthur.

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Not bad, but could be better. Especially the first half is quite boring and slow. Around the halfway point it feels like the movie changes writers and it got better, even with some clever moments. I also presume one or multiple of the writers have a very fragile ego and he had to belittle or insult every male character in the movie. At least that also disappears in the second half.

The movie is being dragged down by many jokes that just don't land or don't fit the setting at all. Also, the overall randomness was bad. They just need something and something happens, or they find something, all the time. Crazy convenient.

As mentioned, once over the half, there are some really good moments and it was quite enjoyable in the end. But I was not interested in D&D before I saw this movie, and I'm still not interested at all after seeing it.

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I'm glad this felt like a D&D campaign, instead of just another fantasy movie. I just wish there was more character development.

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The plot was exactly what I was expecting from an American adventure movie of this kind, no surprises, some predictable passages. It mostly manages to recreate the atmospheres of the modern D&D tabletop adventures (not however the ones usually done in the 70s and 80s, that I prefer, more focused on intricate dungeons), with many cliches well-inserted. Some elements were not well-modeled, such as the spellcasters with infinite spells (instead of a more Vancian magic), no rolls to hit or savings throws, and other technical elements a D&D fan would want to find. Irony was there, but not well distributed throughout. All in all, a fair adventure film, worth a watch.

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A fun action fantasy. Cannot deny it. The comedy is so-so but the action choreography is pretty good. The story is very D&D like, adventure leading to another, last minute lucky d20 roll saves, and many choices for the characters to make. Since it's Dungeons and Dragons, it's good but I think if it were just a fantasy action film of any other kind it wouldn't have made sense as much. Or I wouldn't have overlooked the flaws as D&D-esque writing.

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Like men looking at Star Trek porn, Chris Pine took this solid 5 and made it 6. Small wonder Pine is a kind of wood.

Honestly, this is a decent spectacle with a fair sense of humor, but Pine's presence gives it even more respectability and his talent makes it entirely watchable.

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I would say a 8.5 actually.
The villains where pretty cartoonish but I liked the overall goofy feeling of the movie.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.8

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A slightly above average movie. There’s a lot of hype over this, so I guess people’s expectations have lowered.

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Make no mistake, this is a high 7 out of 10. This has simple story, simple themes and character motivations but it doesn't try to do anything silly, overly complex or woke. It just tells a good story, with good writing, good character motivations that stays true to the world that has come before it. This was great fun. Also great to see A LOT of practical effects.

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Closer to an 8.5 than a 9 for me but nevertheless fun movie great time exactly what it is supposed to be

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I found the movie pretty much flawless (for my standards anyway). The plot is entertaining, the pace is good, the humor is great and even clever and the cast is remarkable. There's also a ton of good action sequences and stunning visual effects.

Now I don't know much about D&D lore but I caught some references.

It's a very fun watch overall.

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Although I found this bizarre “Dungeons & Dragons” adaptation to be far better than expected, it tries a little too hard to impress and make you laugh, resulting in noticeable highs and lows in both the humor and special effects. Given its length, it would have benefited from some cuts to make the quality more consistent throughout. The type of self-deprecating humor that borders on spoof led me to anticipate a twist akin to "The Lego Movie," but instead, the film stayed within the confines of a generic action comedy. Despite lacking that extra spark, the film still leaves a relatively genuine and heartfelt impression, with plenty of room for improvement in future sequels

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Shout by Zhu Keyao

A mediocre commercial film. The ending battle was somewhat disappointing (it felt anticlimactic), and the plot was a classic cliché, with the forced death of a team member followed by their resurrection. The trailer contained a significant portion of the exciting content.

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It was entertaining and fun. It looks like they wrote Chris Pine and Hugh Grant's roles with them in mind. 1 post-credits scene. This homage to the cartoon series

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Very enjoyable. The pace drops occasionally so it didn't grab me the way I thought it would. But there are moments in this film that are genuinely inspired.

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I desperately wanted to enjoy this. I felt they tried to do too much and the pacing was all off.

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Shout by Deleted

First it was described as a live action remake of the awesome 80s cartoon, now it's something else again... Bet it's going to be bad

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Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, and D&D?

I'm in.

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