Personal Lists featuring...

Enamorada 1946


All the films that received two or more votes in a poll of 36 critics and film specialists from 11 different countries - as listed in the book "Cien años sin soledad: Las mejores peliculas Latinoamericanas de todos los tiempos" compiled by Carlos Galiano and Rufo Caballero.

Vote breakdown:

#1 received 30 votes
#2 - 22 votes
#3-5 - 21
#6-8 - 17
#9 - 16
#10 - 14
#11 - 13
#12 - 12
#13 - 11
#14-16 - 10
#17-18 - 9
#19-29 - 8
#30-33 - 7
#34-41 - 6
#42-46 - 5
#47-57 - 4
#58-69 - 3
#70-107 - 2



The World Cinema Project (WCP) is a non-profit organization devoted to the preservation and restoration of neglected world cinema.

Founded in 2007 as the World Cinema Foundation by Martin Scorsese, it was inspired by the work of The Film Foundation in the United States, a similar venture which Scorsese founded with George Lucas, Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg and Clint Eastwood in 1990.

The World Cinema Foundation is backed by an advisory board "Filmmaker Council" which includes Martin Scorsese, Fatih Akin, Souleymane Cissé, Guillermo del Toro, Stephen Frears, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Wong Kar-Wai, Abbas Kiarostami, Deepa Mehta, Ermanno Olmi, Raoul Peck, Cristi Puiu, Walter Salles, Abderrahmane Sissako, Elia Suleiman, Bertrand Tavernier, Wim Wenders, and Tian Zhuangzhuang.


The Ariel is the Mexican Academy of Film Award. It has been awarded annually since 1947. The award recognizes excellence in motion picture making, such as acting, directing and screenwriting in Mexican cinema. It is considered the most prestigious award in the Mexican movie industry. The name "Ariel" was inspired by a series of short writings called El Ariel by Uruguayan writer José Enrique Rodó that inspired generations of young Latin Americans in the first decades of the 20th century.



En julio de 1994, la revista mexicana SOMOS -con motivo de su número 100- publicó una edición especial dedicada a las 100 mejores películas del cine mexicano. Para realizar la selección, la revista invitó a 25 especialistas en nuestra cinematografía, entre los que destacan críticos como Jorge Ayala Blanco, Nelson Carro y Tomás Pérez Turrent; historiadores de la talla de Eduardo de la Vega Alfaro y Gustavo García; Carlos Monsivais y el propio Gabriel Figueroa.

La lista de SOMOS incluye exclusivamente largometrajes cuya producción haya sido total o mayoritariamente mexicana, de ahí la ausencia de algunas cintas importantes como Viridiana (1961) de Luis Buñuel. El filme más antiguo seleccionado (El automóvil gris) data de 1919 y los más recientes (Cronos y Como agua para chocolate) de 1992.

Hasta el momento, la lista de SOMOS representa el principal esfuerzo de esta naturaleza que se haya hecho sobre el cine mexicano, de ahí su importancia como criterio para la selección de las películas que integran esta filmografía.


In 2020 and inspired by Somos' original Top 100 Mexican movies list from 1994, digital magazine Sector Cine asked 35 experts to submit their ranked lists of 25 best Mexican films. 27 of them responded to the request, which resulted in this list.



List created and maintained by


Date: 2024-05-15
Tags: #theme #release-order #continuing


Todo el mejor cine de la historia
