Shouts about...

Encounter 2021

[Amazon] The film displays a set of interesting ideas, using sci-fi elements to construct a story of growing up and parenting. But it's also a portrait (from the other side of the Atlantic) of a United States that, indeed, seems to suffer an alien invasion: desert landscapes, villages abandoned, post-traumatic stress, the QAnon movement... It has so many interpretations that some of its flaws can be forgiven.

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I was waiting for them things to be comin out the goddamn walls, let's book! But instead I'm all choked up like a dad wtf bro straight duped

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A decent psychological thriller with a preferable conclusion than what we've become accustomed to.

For fans of the DontNod games, you'll see similarities to the Life is Strange franchise, complete with the song Crosses by Jose Gonzalez during the end credits.

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Not the most interesting movie for me - yes, I was another person who was expecting a sci-fi movie based on the tags

Some great performances from the three main characters (definitely expecting to see those kids appear in future movies)

But it did remind me of what happens when people live in their "own reality", and are doing what they think is right, and the challenges that can pose when their reality when everything they see around them is interpreted through this maladjusted lens

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The first minutes oft this movie fool The viewer.It gives the impression of something that the film does not deliver. With something like this I am always extremely pissed off

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Similar themes and story to Man Down (2015)

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An interesting and emotional movie with some superb acting - Riz Ahmed is always good but the children shine here. There was a real atmosphere about this and whilst the story may have been tackled before, the clever way this movie revealed the subject matter was different enough to keep my attention. Well done all concerned!

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This is my first comment on this platform and this movie made me do it. It has bad reviews for being labeled a sci fi movie. Otherwise I personally felt this movie should have been highly rated. It sent chills up my back at the ending which hasn’t happened to me in a while. Awesome movie that if you just go with the flow instead of trying to guess where it’s going can be super entertaining.

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it's a very good and well-acted movie. riz ahmed and the two young boys who play his sons are all incredible. the soundtrack is also great. it's not a sci-fi movie and while the movie makes that clear pretty early on, it's not early on enough to justify being labeled as sci-fi.

technically, the threat :asterisk_symbol:isn't:asterisk_symbol: human. mental illness doesn't feel at all like being a human.

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you think it's about alien then... it's not! Makes me think of Mother Android

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please delete Sci-Fi tag.. it is not anywhere close.. and adventure is also wrong.. Drama and Thriller maybe
if someone looking for Sci-Fi, it is 108 minutes wasted

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It took me 15mins to watch this
I won't waste much time on it

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The beginning of this movie had a LOT of promise. If it had stayed more abstract I think it could've been a haunting and beautiful exploration of PTSD, fear of a parent that you love deeply but who is also a stranger, and the terror that comes when you're a kid and you sense that your parents are keeping secrets from you. Instead, at 15-20 min in, all mysteries start to unravel and we get a very literal, uninteresting cliched story that veers into ableist territory. The actors were all very talented and did the best they could with this uninspired material. I ache for the movie that this could have been.

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love it, emotional and heartbreaking

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Riz Ahmed gives a perfect performance of a sick person with a persecutory delusional disorder. Excellent interpretation of the main actor, children and FBI actors. Emotive, dramatic with touches of suspense. I loved it !

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Good movie, but the description is borderline fraudulent.

When will they learn that shit like this just pisses people off?

But I guess they needed to do it, since its really just another mediocre mental ill parent abducts his children movie. Not bad, but also nothing exceptional.

Please remove the SciFi label, it is NOT a scifi movie!

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Like others point it out as well, this is just false advertising: there's nothing "unhuman" in here. It's not necessarily a bad movie per se, but it's a bad movie if you're expecting sci-fi and aliens, because that's not what you get. Like, at all.

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WTF i just watched?
Do not waist watching this, acting is strong but story is not.
So short answer the director or writer had an issue in the middle so they changed the intial story

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Bullshit alert! :rotating_light: I was looking forward to an alien encounter movie. Description of the movie had me going in believing it was a sci-fi alien movie and it ends up being a dad’s f’d up in the head Hollywood by the numbers movie. It was a good movie though, just don’t expect aliens.

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Bad movie. I'm sorry but why we (dads) almost always got to be depicted as the unfit parent? Why can't the movie be dad and new mama expecting and the real mom goes nuts?

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Close encounters of a very human kind. It’s not too hard to see where this film is going but that doesn’t undermine the final powerful moments. Riz Ahmed is one of the best actors of this generation and he turns in another great performance here. The boys playing his sons also shine in this conventional but moving film.

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