Shouts about...

Enola Holmes 2 2022

We loved the suspense and twists from the middle to end.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Film 30 of 2024 (Aim 300):

I surprisingly really enjoyed this, more than the original, which I scarcely remember anything of. Millie Bobby Brown is fun and energetic in the titular role. Cavill is his always fantastic, charming self. David Thewlis is always a great antagonist.

I saw the twist coming the moment the character was introduced but didn't see the other components of the twist. Nevertheless, that didn't hamper my viewing experience. If a 3rd film comes along, I'll be sure to watch it.

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Shout by mg_grey

I wish there's Part 3. Writing's pretty good. Although I think I like the first one better. I also did not expect Watson to be non-white, but I was just conditioned to think he was white because of previous iterations of "Sherlock" TV series & movies.

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I enjoyed this movie a lot. I hope we can have more films.

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Less obnoxious than the first one but still very much unmemorable.

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Shout by kumi

the story really felt like it was made for kids and the romance was... hella cheesy but since i liked Tewkesbury's character i'll let that one pass. regardless it was still fun to watch.

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My summary is it’s cute for tweens. My daughter and I enjoyed it as much as the first. It’s a good way to introduce her to the Sherlock world - more PG than some other Sherlock stories and she likes Enola’s personality. She’s already asking if there will be more.

loading replies thats something you wont hear everyday.

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About on par with the original, which I suppose is the minimum you want from a sequel.

I have similar thoughts about 'Enola Holmes 2' as I do for 'Enola Holmes'. Millie Bobby Brown is a strong lead, the support cast are good but the plot still isn't the most entertaining to watch unfold onscreen. I'm not sure it needed to be told over 2hrs, either.

Still, I got the required amount of entertainment from it. I appreciate the message and the story it tells, as well as them (seeming to, to me anyway) toning down the fourth-wall breaking - which is a tad overdone in the 2020 flick.

It seems likely that we'll be getting more of these, which I'm cool with - if the main cast remain, that is.

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I love this so much more than the first one

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Even more delightful than the first movie. The cynic in me initially thought the ending was too idealistic, but apparently it's loosely based on a real event. Happy to have been proven wrong.

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Oops, now I want to watch a third one :see_no_evil:

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These 2 movies are actually better than I expected. Not a fan of Eleven at all, also don't like her in real as a person. But she's quite good in both movies. Chemistry with Cavill is great.
Don't take it all too serious of course.

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I thoroughly enjoy Enola. I am such a fan of Henry Cavill's though to the point that I smile at seeing him. Such a good brother- "What do you believe my sister has done?" I think they're looking for the same person. Snap! They worked a ball into this? Did William like Sarah, but the parents didn't or that other girl became jealous? Wait, this person can choose their own account number? New bank system? Yes, to this first dance... teaching. That was a bathroom? I'm new & have never heard of a dance card. Oh! they worked Moriarty into this? Yay, Mom is here! Yes, Mom healthily correct/add to your advice. That moment was well earned. Adversary sounding like anniversary? That's new. Yeah, now it's an almost fair fight for Tewkesbury! I felt like Mira Troy was ridiculously soft-spoken. Oh, tears are falling from my eyes! And they based this on a real story?! Seeing Watson made squeal! I'm so thankful for Indeed, LinkedIn, & more. This movie is so GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-11-24T18:51:12Z— updated 2022-11-26T17:58:48Z

Innocuous family entertainment. Enola is a lovely and livid girl. Historic London looks fascinating. Like how she breaks the fourth wall. Reasonably nice addition to the Holmes franchise. Don't watch if you are looking for serious intellectual case solving or a crime drama. Watch if you want some enjoyable but light-hearted/silly entertainment.

David Thewlis is back. Since Fargo's third season I'm afraid of him. Is he actually the devil? I honestly believe so.

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Really enjoyed this. I liked the growing feminist movement, I liked Enola growing up - and realizing when she needs help. And I particularly enjoyed her working with Sherlock (BTW, Cavill's hairstyle reminded me of Cumberbatch's Sherlock, as did the stairwell of 221 Baker Street...). They have good chemistry, and Cavill's not as aloof as in the first movie. Definitely would like more of that.

However, I could have done without Moriarty and Watson - they belong in Sherlock Holmes series/movies... simply because they take away attention from the title character which is Enola.

Otherwise, a very entertaining 2 hours, an evening well spent.

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This should have been called Enola Holmes goes Bridgerton: The Sherlock Holmes Story. So boring, annoying, silly and way too long. And stop with the fucking forth wall breaks, it's a... yeah pandemic is the correct word, despite the times.

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Good and interesting case. Very good actors. I love the cast. And very good pictures of the Victorian London.

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Loved the movie, women were in the lead but that was no problem in this case. We enjoyed it.

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god i enjoyed it this so much. I’m weak in the knees for comedic romance in a movie that isn’t about the romance. Also just henry cavill is amazing

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Shout by Jaybee289
BlockedParent2022-11-16T13:11:07Z— updated 2022-11-21T09:47:40Z

Rare is it to find a sequel that I prefer to the original but Enola Holmes takes what was great about the first and just doubles down on it leading to an almighty great time to be enjoyed by all.

8/10 - Great film, one that I'll happily watch again

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There is lots of the feminist message and diversity, but also some sense of humour and the fairy tale Victorian London (it has as much to do with historical London as Bridgerton's Regency with the real Regency period, but we know it and watch it tongue in cheek) is a real eye candy. Great that Enola and Tewkesbury are finally on the good road to becoming an item :)

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Well, I really loved the first one and this one doesn't disappoint. Even better, based on a real woman's movement in Victorian London. While of course the details have been modified to make the story around the Holmes siblings and the famous Moreiety, it still a nice nod to one of the first Women's Rights activists.

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Such a cast and then Millie bobby brown. The movie is not bad but in my opinion some feminism moments were too forced.

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This is a feminist movie but it's fine.

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the novelty of the first one disappeared, here it holds up well, that the brother appears more, it helps

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The first film was fresher and slicker but this is still an enjoyable film regardless.

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Millie Brown shines again in this worthy sequel. It’s the same Enola formula with fast paced detective work, but I still feel that Cavill over shadows everyone and is Sherlock-in-waiting for his own film series.

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It was a good film and a lot of fun with some cool action and nicely done plot and great performances from all but it wasn’t has a good as the first film.

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much better than the first, imo

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Shit (this is to fill the 5 words requirement)

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Dare I say it..? Better than the 1st movie. I love it when a sequel outshines the original :blush:

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I didn't enjoy it as much as the first but that's not to say it is worse. Just that it has found a strong identity and it is doing well with it.

The usual fast-paced editing, then the mystery that unfolds in between set pieces and turns by HBM and Cavill.

This one was deliberately laying the groundwork for a series of films which I can't blame them for necessarily as it is such a solidly entertaining formula.

I wouldn't say they're great films but they're enjoyable fair. And the cast works well, the blossoming of Enola alongside Sherlock is being handled deftly, and there's now plenty of matter to be mulled over given who is introduced during this instalment.


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It was ok - not as good as the first movie.

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I really enjoy this franchise. I hope they do a movie a year. The core cast is marvellous, quirky and in their natural comedic lane. I give this movie an 8 (very entertaining) out of 10. [Mystery, Adventure, Crime] Available on Netflix

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I really enjoyed the first Enola Holmes but this is probably the biggest bore out. I don't think I'm going to be able to finish it, it is so tedious.

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This brought back what I loved about the first film, the whimsy and a film that doesn't take itself too seriously so you can have some fun film entertainment. However it must be said that I did enjoy the first film more - I've seen a lot of people say they prefer this film and that's great but for me that's just not the case.

What I do have to appreciate with this second installment though was how they based the film loosely on the real life story of Sarah Chapman who pioneered the match girls strike which is seen as staple in the movement towards gender equality. It is very loosely centered around this as obviously Enola and Sherlock weren't actually there but I still appreciate the inclusion of actual historical periods.

This is a very fun film, not as good as the first instalment but still great.

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excellent as good or better than the first part :thumbsup_tone2:

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Better than the first, Milley is amazing, and this time Sherlock was good (but not great)

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Nice to see more of Henry Cavill as Sherlock in this one. This is Millie Bobby Brown’s movie though. She’s even better in this one.

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Might even be better the first one! And that ending hahah

Hope there’s a more to come

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A decent movie in which the supporting role character too often overshadows the action of the first plan. ;)

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Cavill really steals the show every scene. He HAS to get his own Sherlock movie.

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Slightly worse than the first, but not by much.

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I liked the previous episode better, but it wasn't that terrible

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Fun movie, easy watch, likeable cast.

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This was just about as enjoyable as the first one. It would still be nice to see more interaction between Sherlock and Enola. I hope they make more and keep the writing standard as superb as the first one. It appears that everyone is having fun with the acting.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I adore Millie as Enola. I'll never get tired of looking at Henry Cavill dressed like that.

That being said, the plot is a tad predictable. The chemistry between the characters is great though.

It's a fun watch, I'm hoping we'll get more.

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I wouldn't mind if Netflix made more Enola Holmes movies. I already liked the whole vibe in the first one, and this continues in the sequel. Millie Bobby Brown clearly enjoys playing the role. Furthermore, Henry Cavill is still a good fit for the role of Sherlock Holmes. The actual case isn't all that interesting this time, though. The film explains far too much. The creators probably wanted to make sure that viewers who only looked up from their phones every 20 minutes or so wouldn't miss anything. I also didn't enjoy the action sequences. Most of them were poorly staged. A running time of 90 minutes, rather than the full two hours, would also benefit the film. Despite my complaints, this film series is better than many other Netflix productions.

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As an Iranian man in exile, witnessing the courageous women of my country fighting shoulder by shoulder with men, to earn back their long-lost human rights; it was very pleasant to watch this movie. Feminism, as a movement towards equal rights, has every righ to be more portrayed in media.

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Shout by Irine
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-11-04T09:13:41Z— updated 2022-11-05T10:10:18Z

I refuse... that end reveal was so stupid. Everyone and their mother should've figured that out. Just say Mira Troy three times fast. It's not even a good anagram. I don't mind female Moriarty, but Moriarty is Sherlock's arch-nemesis not Enola's. Had no business being there in my opinion. Inconsistencies meh...

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