Personal Lists featuring...

Enola Holmes 2020


This is a list of series, movies or special programming that i have seen on Netflix Streaming Service. (They were seen on OTT, but they do not have the exclusive rights to maintain them.)


Both live-action & animated titles are listed here (for now).


Aggregate list of all films, watched & unwatched. Begins with highest rated films.
Rating System:
10: I loved it and 100% will watch it multiple times.
6-9: I enjoyed the film despite some minor or major issues. Closer it is to 10, the more likely I will watch the movie again willingly.
5: Movie is straight up meh. Does not mean the movie is bad/unwatchable. Most likely will not watch these again unless convinced otherwise.
1-4: These are all just 1's. I just think they suck and I didn't enjoy them at all. Will probably never watch again unless convinced otherwise.


List of original programs distributed by Netflix


All the movies Chad has watched


Liste de mes films vus


Every movie that I've watched.
