Shout by 1010011011

No laughs indeed, but I didn't even notice that untill I read the comments.
This movie might actually shed some light on why we lack intergalactic friends.

To qoute Stephen Hawking; "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet."

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Shout by chronic

hmm i'm a bit different to these guys i thought it was pretty good actually i liked it. i laughed quite a bit too. i do love animation flicks though. i reckon this has something for the kids & something for the big kids like me

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Shout by Deleted

Kids loved it!

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Shout by Will

Decent kid movie, but yea no laughs this one is.

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Entertaining and fun, Escape From Planet Earth is an exciting and thrilling animated feature. After receiving an unidentified distress call from Earth the planet Baab sends their top astronaut to investigate, but when he’s captured by the U.S. military he discovers a nefarious plot against aliens. Featuring William Shatner, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jessica Alba, and Brendan Fraser, the film has a strong cast. Additionally, the comedy is pretty good (even though it does get a little too cartoonish at times). However, the plot is full of clichés; and while some of them work, others drag the film down. Yet despite its flaws, Escape From Planet Earth is a film that can be enjoyed by all ages.

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Completly forgetable, but probably good for kids.

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I didn't like it... Seemed like it was a quick cash in for me, plus movies where they use present day pop culture references always makes me face palm in shame knowing the movie cant come up with anything original material for itself...

If you can, avoid IT...

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The movie is merely acceptable. The story is linear, the scenario unimaginative, and the dialogs simple.
I liked it because it was fun, but don't expect much out of it and you won't be disappointed.

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Shout by ketu

As an adult you usually should laugh some times when watching an animated movie - right?
Well: not happened here.

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Sadly, there is no escape from this black hole of predictability and miasma of characters, who are as so infinite that no single one can be explored sufficiently.

Escape from Planet Earth was my Sunday morning cartoon, but kids watching will have to fake laugh when they spot the visual clues and then ask what's next when this one is over.

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Shout by Deleted

Not worth it. Monsters vs Aliens is more worth your time.

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Shout by Huysamen Engelbrecht

Force-fed immature jokes and tropes. The best bits are in the trailer. The pretty colours and exaggerated animation make it a kid-friendly movie, though.

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After reading some of the comments on here I'm a little surprised. I actually enjoyed this one! I got more then a few laughs! So did my boyfriend! We thought it was a cute animated movie. Nothing earth shattering but very pleasant.

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