I’ve forever seen this movie on lists of movies that must be seen. It’s certainly not what I thought it would be like. It’s a low key, simplistic romantic movie that will inevitably touch a bunch of people. It works. Nothing resonated with me, but it’s an objectively great film. It reminds me a bunch of “Lost in Translation” and that one worked a bit better for me.

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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Shout by Justin
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-07-28T23:29:43Z— updated 2021-06-06T01:51:30Z

An interesting concept, that didn't fully work for me. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind tells the story of romance between characters whom I felt were never fully developed. Usually I love films that play with time and are not necessarily told linearly but in this one, it was just a bit to confusing to the point where even when I figured out the twist I still had a lot of questions. Saying this, to fully understand this film it needs to be watched multiple times. One other thing that held me back from really enjoying this film was the chemistry between the two leads. I never really bought into their relationship, even before their memories were erased. Lastly, the storyline with the doctors only felt as if it were added to advance the main story. Not that this is necessarily bad but I would have liked a little more. All in all, enjoyable movie but not as good as all the praise it gets.

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Over-hyped to death. I don't see why this movie has such high ratings, both on here and on RT. The writing was terrible, the exploits of the memory people was unnecessary -- hell, they do this whole procedure in an apartment??Joel tried the whole move to keep his memories in spite of the procedure, only for them to be erased anyway? What was the point?? Patrick was unnecessary. How did Joel and Clementine find each other again? I find it really, really improbable that they'd meet on the train again. And why are they trying to get back together?? They already know their flaws, and it's just going to lead to them breaking up again. Joel's two friends provided nothing to the movie. Overall, this movie was an absolute mockery of cinema. I expected something along the lines of Total Recall, but got 'Child Joel's Escape from the Bullies While Memory Erasers Have Drug-filled Sex Next to his Unconscious Body'. What the fuck? 2 hours of my life wasted. I honestly don't see what any of you people on here are getting from the movie. It was absolute crap. 2/10 rating. Done.

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i have a 'must-watch' list, and this movie was on it.

This genre is not my first one, but the screenplay and the visuals are so great. i think it was very hard to make this movie. To watch it was quite entertaining.

Great cast, good director, "you did not see that coming"-ending -> 8/10

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Absolutely fantastic movie, hands down. Don't hesitate to watch it- you will not be disappointed!

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I don't get the hype.The Movie was very average-ish and nothing out of the world.

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The most baffling thing to me about this movie is the fact that of it was nominated for two Oscars and neither were for editing.

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It's a great romance movie.

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God, 20 years later and this movie hits just as hard as it did in 2004.

Just these four simple lines really drive home what makes it so special to me.

"I walked out the door, there's no memory left."

"Come back and make up a goodbye at least. Let's pretend we had one. Bye, Joel."

"I love you."

"Meet me in Montauk."

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“What a loss to spend that much time with someone only to find out that she’s a stranger.”

Interesting movie with some really original ideas about heart break. I don’t think everything in this movie was as good, but the script really makes you think about your own experiences. That’s almost always a big plus.

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Wish I could erase this film from my mind just so I can watch it for the first time all over again

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After having this in watchlist forever, I finally watched this. There is something very peculiar about the movie which I loved. It's definitely one of the best sci-fi romance. This movie conveys the journey of love in its own unique way.

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The way this film contorts and warps reality through the minds of its characters is truly a spectacle to behold. The whimsical genius of Charlie Kaufman, along with Michel Gondry's spectacular visual flair, craft a complex narrative that slingshots between layers of memory and the present. Carrey and Winslet deliver performances that are miles away from their traditional roles, so raw and real you'd think you're eavesdropping on actual people. It's a kaleidoscopic exploration of love, memory, and identity, with enough emotional punch to leave you pondering for days. In an industry that often plays it safe, "Eternal Sunshine" is a bold dive into the deep end, coming up with a sparkling gem of cinematic artistry.

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Shout by Parzival
BlockedParent2023-07-07T06:46:26Z— updated 2023-08-12T13:37:36Z

You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story.

Some people find this movie boring and unnecessarily confusing, but I personally think that this movie is one of the most fascinating and creative movies I have seen. If you enjoyed Christopher Nolan's Inception, I bet you will love Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. This movie made me GASP and literally go WHAT??

The plot twist is insane and I was mind-blown by the end of the movie. If you are thinking about watching this movie, don't hesitate and play it now, you will not regret. A perfect mind-twisting blending between romance and sci-fi.

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A perfect mind-twisting blending between romance and sci-fi (with some suspense touches I would say).

For sure an emotional take on regret. Had a great time watching what I think is a classic for the first time.

P.S. - Jim Carrey's Magnum Opus

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This is a movie that is able to show the entire timeline of a relationship just from memories, and it is able to convey how tough breakups can be in a relationship. Sometimes you say things that you don't mean or you do things you don't want because you are so emotional, and this movie really hinges on that idea.

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Just a staggering achievement on every level

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The title of this movie is one of the best that I know.

As for the film, I have tried to watch it many times, being able to finish it in one occasion some years ago but just didn't like it that much. Today I decided to watch it again from start to finish. I wanted to like this movie, I like psychological, artistic, original, etc. But this one just doesn't click with me.

I liked the first minutes, until the sudden cut to the heartbreak. From there, the film becomes an exploration of the brain through time jumps and "weird" scenes. There is no sense of the characters developing or the story moving forward.

Having seen other films by the same director, I think that the story is simply the excuse to make an experimental film. And it's a shame because the story and plot idea were very good and so were the actors.

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Special Edition. Collector edition. Focus feature.

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This is the only movie I would give a score higher than 10/10. Its pure cinematic perfection.

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i did love the movie, kate and jim are incredible. but what i loved the most is its concept of love and sometimes it is just about enjoying the process of something, instead of focusing on the result. that’s how love works. i cant wait to recommend it to my friends plus the title…. ugh magical

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I don't get why the high ratings of the movie. It is long, boring and completely uninteresting, it has been a truly disappointment.

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Good idea, good acting, good movie great title.

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The concept is great, the execution however left so much to be desired. I think this is a 1 hour movie stretched out.

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If you think the end sucked and thought “what’s the point of them being together again if they already know that they’ll break up after?” than you know nothing about love. You don’t how it is to love someone. They love each other so much that they are willing to do it all over again even if they, in the end, will hate each other. They are willing to suffer just to
have those precious moments of happiness with each other.

Personally I found it very beautiful. And i think this is one of the most accurate representations of what love means and what being in love for someone means.

Jim Carey did an incredible performance and it was so good seeing him do a more dramatic role. And Kate Winslet did an AMAZING job as well! She made me hate the character but also have compassion for her and understand her actions! Believe in this “crazy” woman that it’s a character but could be real person from our world.

I loved it, specially not know anything about the movie when i watched it!

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Shout by manicure

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is a clever romantic comedy that reflects on the imperfect nature of relationships and their dissolution.

Joel pays a company to erase all his memories of his ex-girlfriend Clementine. The interesting thing is that we actually get to take a look inside his brain and watch his memories as they get distorted and erased from his mind. The visual representation of Joel's psyche is sometimes poetic, sometimes spooky, sometimes ridiculous, with a lot of dreamy scenes and interesting visuals. Events are portrayed out of chronological order, and the only reference we have to figure out where we are in time is Clementine's ever-changing hair color.

Definitely one of the best romantic comedies of its time, even though the ending is kind of unsatisfying. After going through all of Joel's memories, it's clear that he and Clementine are not made to be together and that they had no deep connection. Their relationship just felt void even during the good moments. Still, the film forcefully puts them back together for the sake of a happy ending.

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it's not that bad, yet it's not that good either. the last 20 minutes of this movie was the best thing about it, plus that scene when she helped him or tried to help him escape from memory-erasing her. It was also confusing in some scenes and weird! but not in a bad way. overall, it was a weird movie with some good scenes in it. The acting is great! give it a watch if you have some free time.

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OMG what a Great Movie!!!!

The Writing Was Legendary!! Pacing of the film was a lil off but it's worth it cause this is truly a Great Movie. Winslet and Carey was Elite in their respective roles and a good supporting cast.. My final score was a 85.7/100

I would highly recommend this movie WATCH IT!!!

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No rating for the simple fact that I failed to go all the way to the end of the film.
It looks very interesting at first, but it gets to the middle and I just thought it was certain that Clementina left him, he's super rude to her and she's super loving and sultry, to a totally realistic guy like him.
I did not reach the end of the film for reasons of total lack of interest ina love story that ended fairly, in my view.
!! If a man calls me a whore I clearly forget him!!

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Definately over hyped!
Rating don't match expectations

Anything but only bored till the end!.. trash is minimalist

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It’s a truly beautiful film. The story is so original and and built up to be one of the unique movies of all time. The acting is fantastic, Jim Carrey was SNUBBED at the Oscars he should have at least been nominated and should have won. Kate Winslet is great as well her character is very interesting, love able and sometimes unlike able. The character development is some of the best ever. The chemistry between the two characters is very convincing and naturally great. The rest of the cast and side story’s are very good as well. It can be emotional a lot, like in the scenes going through the memories. The screenplay is spectacular probably the best ever written. It’s directed pretty well, the score is good too. The cinematography is fantastic as well, the scene where Joel and clementine are laying on the ice is one of the most memorable iconic scenes in love movies. Overall it’s a classic movie that you can’t not help having the biggest smile while watching that great ending.

( 9 out of 10)
Very close to 10

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a surreal and provocative dark romantic comedy. Featuring an all-star cast that includes Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, and Tom Wilkinson, the performances are quite good. The story follows Joel Barish as he gets his ex-girlfriend erased from his memory, but he begins to struggle against the procedure when he realizes what it will cost him. A lot of interesting ideas and concepts are explored within the film, making it especially compelling. And the visual style is particularly creative and dreamlike. However, there are some issues with the directing, and the subplots are a bit disjointed and underdeveloped. Yet even with its problems, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a smart and thought-provoking film.

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this is a great, original way to explore the concept of unconditional love, or even the concept of soulmates. the fact it keeps you thinking the whole time makes it one of the most interesting romance films that's out there for us to watch as well!! loved it

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A very interesting film and a definite watch.

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Great movie. Definitely worth the watch and deserves a rewatch. Sad and emotional yet still enjoyable.

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this was an interesting movie and a love story!! Jim did a perfect job with this one and especially Kate too!! just spotless one really!! i loved the ending so much. like what are the odds here for them to meet again and give it another shot!! second chances are what gives you closure about certain things, and i loved this one too. just perfect job especially with those dreams too. fantastic really!!

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Definitely one of the most unique love stories ever. It's almost necessary to rewatch this to fully appreciate everything happening. The effects in the dreams are really well done. Jim Carrey is excellent in this dramatic role. Kate Winslet is fantastic too. It has a beautiful ending.

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such a beautiful movie, whoever says it overrated go to the hell

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Shout by Horror future #7
BlockedParent2018-07-11T23:33:00Z— updated 2019-11-16T23:57:50Z

What a powerfull movie.A truly masterpiece.Destiny is what it is and we can't change anything. 10/10!

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Good idea and started well. The plot seemed to be stuck in a dreamscape of visual chasing or running, which still had an interesting effect but seemed non progressive.

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I haven’t seen this since its release but it’s every bit the beautiful, low-key daydream I remembered. Gondry’s knack for bending reality combined with Kaufman’s simple yet profound script combine to make one of the best films of recent times (although, gulp… it’s 13 years old now…).

I had forgotten about the great score however, which turns into Oh My Darling, Clementine as the film progresses (Winslet’s character is called Clementine).

An unassuming, uncomplicated work of sci-fi genius.


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An modern artistic triumph for all involved.

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Picture 3.75 / 5, sound 4/5. Curious movie where Jim Carey's fine. The plot is original

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One of the best movies ever made. Easy to relate to, and it has amazing acting and one of the best stories ever.

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Edição incrível. Um dos meus filmes favoritos

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If you understand the concept of this movie, you can agree that it is one of the best love stories ever portrayed in film!

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was an interesting film and has an even better title. I wasn't quite sure if I was 'getting' the timelines at the beginning and felt a bit disorientated but ended up being right. Nice film, one of the better romance films I've seen but I suspect I might enjoy it more in a few years, once I'm older. Best Jim Carrey performance I've seen though.

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Ha, HA! What a KILLER movie. I absolutely loved it.

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The final 15 minutes saved this movie for me. Apparently understand the deeper value, but even this came to me after traveling detours.

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Wow amazing movie and great to see Jim Carrey playing a different kind of character!

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Joel Barish: I could die right now, Clem. I'm just... happy. I've never felt that before. I'm just exactly where I want to be.

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This film is fucking brilliant, clever, really well written! Loved it!

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a straight 10. merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream

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lovely, now one my favorites

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Very eclectic movie... absolutely wonderful and well made. Get ready to tear up :'-)

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Shout by Mireia Cillero
BlockedParent2012-04-05T21:42:22Z— updated 2020-05-01T21:15:47Z

Really nice movie! Won't leave you indifferent at all.

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Great movie

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Boring and overrated.

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