2021 anime I watched while they were releasing.


Películas, documentales y series que no me canso de ver una y otra vez.


Trying to add as much as I can remember. Hopefully, this list will help you remember those that you have forgotten as well. This list only has movie titles starting with a number to the letter E. Please check out the other lists for F-Z!
in alphabetical order :)


These are the anime movies I have seen including those related to anime series.


To keep track of all the current anime I've completed, by season if possible. Most of these I recommend, are high quality, and are filled with fanservice or clever stories.


This list is a work-in-progress and it's not in order yet. I don't even know if I will put it in a numerical order of sorts, because how can you really decide what makes a movie better than another? But as for now, these are some of the films I consider my absolute favorite.


Movies that Selo needs to see again
