One hundred seventy features have been submitted for consideration in the Documentary Feature category for the 90th Academy Awards.


Pulled from Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies section:

UPDATED: 2/22/22


The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films list serves as a companion to the They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 Greatest Films of all time list which, - by its nature - tends to have very few films from the 21st century in it. The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films list attempts to highlight and honour this century's most critically revered films and act as a sort of 'resting bay' for many great films that are likely to be included in the 1,000 Greatest Films list sooner or later.

Source: http://www.theyshootpictures.com/21stcentury.htm


List of documentaries (movies/TV series) I plan to watch or I watched and I think it's worth seeing. If I watched must have at least 7 (my rate) to remain on the list. Updated regularly.

If you are looking for Oscar`s, check the below lists with all nominees and winners in Documentary (feature/short) category
Just winners (feature) > https://trakt.tv/users/oropher_e/lists/academy-awards-oscar-winners-documentary-feature?sort=rank,desc
Just nominees (feature) > https://trakt.tv/users/oropher_e/lists/academy-awards-oscar-nominees-documentary-feature?sort=rank,desc
Just winners (short) > https://trakt.tv/users/oropher_e/lists/academy-awards-oscar-winners-documentary-short?sort=rank,desc
Just nominees (short) > https://trakt.tv/users/oropher_e/lists/academy-awards-oscar-nominees-documentary-short?sort=rank,desc


All the movies with "Must-See" badge on Metacritic. Movie gets the badge when it has a score of 81 or higher and has been reviewed by at least 15 pro critics.


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Years 1931-2018 come from:
The New York Times: Book of Movies
the essential 1,000 films to see
2019 ed

Years after 2018 come from NYT website.

work in progress
There are discrepancies between the website and the book, particular for years after 2003. Please leave a comment for any errors you find.


01–21 / venezia 74 competition
22–34 / out of competition
35–42 / out of competition docs

43–51 / film critics week

52 / tv series

53–63 / venice virtual reality
La Camera Insabbiata. Laurie Anderson & Huang Hsin-Chien
Greenland Melting. Nonny de la Peña
Draw Me Close, Chapters 1–2. Jordan Tannahill
Gomorrah VR – We Own the Streets. Enrico Rosati
Separate Silences. David Wedel
Alice, the Virtual Reality Play. Mathias Chelebourg. tt7395338


Films showing during the Zürich Film Festival 2017. (largely complete)


Source: https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/gallery/2017-the-year-in-certified-fresh-movies/

Note: Count is off by two because Chuck is double counted (33 & 54) and the last image in the set isn't a movie.


Movies about labor movements, civil rights struggles, anti-war efforts, or community organizing. These movies often blend strong narrative storytelling with a deep exploration of social and political themes, providing viewers with not just a compelling story, but also a thought-provoking examination of the human condition and the power of collective action.


It’s my 25th year of existence. I survived the chaos. I can travel by myself on the overground, the underground and the bus. I know how to get myself to the ICA, I thirst for celluloid more than ever before, I have a lifetime membership at the Prince Charles Cinema and the BFI Southbank is screening animation all year round. Also, my favourite mainstream cinema now has reclining seats.


Let’s do this.


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro
