Secrets of Dumbledore improves on its weaker predessesor with a more nuanced Grindlewald performance from Mads Mikklesen, as well as a more focused narrative. There are some interesting set pieces here, as well as some surprisingly funny moments and some creative uses of magic that will entertain fans of the series. Unfortunately, it still suffers the faults of a directionless series that should never have extended beyond a single movie. Characters are left woefully undeveloped and plot developments from previous movies are brushed aside, although perhaps for the better. While it is a passable movie, it is unfortunately much too small a step in the right direction for a doomed series.

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Crab rave carried the movie

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Definitely better than the previous movie, and Mads is much better in the role of Grindelwald than Depp was. But honestly, there's not much more to say. The movie is fine, but I came away feeling it was lacking. It doesn't really feel like all that much really happened. I also wasn't a fan of what they did with Queenie. I liked that they had her change sides at the end of the last movie, but this movie doesn't really use that fact all that well, and instead, they undo her big decision without all that much explanation. The first movie is still easily the best in this series.

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Fantastic? not quite and still doesn’t live up to the first film but definitely surpasses the second one and definitely brings more nostalgia from the Harry Potter films, loved the magical effects, all cast did well. Negatives- less on the humour this time but i guess it’s like the Harry Potter films on going darker the more you go through also felt a little rushed with the plot and that’s pretty much it but over all it was enjoyable and at times warming.

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Like a coffee table book, there are some nice images weakened with words.

Fantastic Beasts is a political movie about a group of good guys trying to stop a bad guy (probably a terf) from stealing an election. There are way too many characters, far too many story lines and a script that is nothing more than a poor excuse to usher everyone to the next, predictable set piece.

Wake me up when they make a movie about fantastic beasts.

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Seemed way too convoluted for what it was. If it wasn't for the beautiful visual effects this would have been a complete waste of 2 hours.

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Smart Wizard: Yo, instead of like elections let's get a Bambi in Tibet to choose the next Grand Wizard.
Every Wizard: Makes sense to me!

Smart Wizard: Do we need to check on Bambi so that people aren't using magic to cheat?
Every Wizard: Nah, nobody is going to use magic to cheat and become the Grand Wizard bro.

Hitler Wizard: I know you were all trying to kill me a year ago, but I'm your Grand Wizard now and I totally didn't cheat.
Every Wizard: Seems legit.

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These are the movies you need to skip if you grew up with the Harry Potter franchise and loved it. Go watch all the HP movies in a single binge and be more entertained than this rubbish.

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The magic is there, but only literally. The weird ass title is off putting enough and the plot is a snoozefest for the most part. There are a few saving graces though: Jude Law nails it as Dumbledore and so does Mads Mikkelsen as Grindlewalt. I believed this movie would be the one that saves this franchise after the botch job that was the second one. Unfortunately, things aren't looking very good.

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I've watched all the other films but I'm still lost. Some of the characters are fun, but this franchise is too niche and too convoluted in my opinion, definitely not for me.

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Imagine, if you will, a film series that seems to keep forgetting what happened in the previous iterations and then undercuts what little momentum it had with locations and interactions that have little relevance or payoff.

There's the components of a good story here. The most upsetting thing is really how just some slight changes could have fixed a lot of the film, but it feels like an almost conscious effort to not use any of those components in any purposeful way and instead introduce plot devices that aren't remotely clever or lose relevancy the moment they're out of context.

This is not as bad as something like Morbius by any means. I'd say it's a better movie than Crimes of Grindelwald, but it also feels like there's less payoff. A three movie build to...a whimper. It's mostly just underwhelming all the way through.

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Mads Mikkelsen makes a better Gellert Grindelwald than Johnny Depp.
Every time I see Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, I see Johnny Depp!
But the Secrets of Dumbledore, l see Grindelwald not Mads Mikkelsen.

The film was OK :thumbsup_tone3: but not the best!

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Boring in general, everything happens in the last 30 minutes or so, and the rest of the quite long movie is just an extended prologue, not even well narrated. It also seems a lot more a James Bond and/or a superheros film than an Harry Potter ones, wizards here seem to have almost unlimited powers.

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A step up from the previous instalment. Fantastic Beasts the Secrets of Dumbledore is more politically charged and romantic and the beasts are well used here, however the franchise still lacks the magic of the Harry Potter series.

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I‘ve just seen it in cinema and the movie felt like a gap filler that paved the way for Fantastical Beasts 4

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Can’t wait to watch this one

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It would be a much better movie with Johnny Depp as Grindelwald.

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Better than the last one. I still say more Newt and magical creatures and less war and fighting would be a vast improvement.

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Worse than the first movie, but still much better than Fantastic Beasts 2. I can’t even remember any details in that movie. So what is the secrets of Dumbledore? I suppose this refers to the secrets of the family of Dumbledore.

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The third part in the Fantastic Beasts franchise has finally arrived and I was really excited to see it. The film is entertaining and very well made. It definitely transports you back into the Wizarding World with a lot of well known locations. Still it didn‘t blow me away either. But this is a general problem of these films when you compare them to the Harry Potter movies. I was definitely disappointed that Tina Goldstein appears in the movie maybe for one minute. But I guess there were some scheduling issues with Katherine Waterston or why would they leave her out of the story like that. I‘m really hoping she returns as a main character in the next installment. Overall the movie is enjoyable enough but still not as good as the entries in the HP series.

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What the hell happened here, Yates?!? What a fuckin' clusterfuck of a film!! Absolutely nothing makes sense!! The sad thing is that I'm probably going to give the next one a chance as well... The idiot I am...

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It's good to see the franchise getting back on track... Despite all the controversies involving the cast and JK Rowling, I found The Secrets of Dumbledore infinitely superior to The Crimes of Grindelwald.

PS 1: Mads Mikkelsen amazing. He delivered a far superior and more intriguing Grindelwald than the cartoonish character Johnny Depp played in the previous film.

PS 2: Always nice to see a Brazilian actress in a big Hollywood production – even if Maria Fernanda Cândido had almost no lines.

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Seriously, you don’t need well over 2 hours to tell that story. Well made and all, but very empty and trying a little too hard to be pc.

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Dubledore pointed out as a mage without blemish and pure of heart?! That's not even funny, that's disgusting propaganda from his supporters. Dubledore is one of the biggest manipulators of the entire HP universe, and it's already evident even in these movies. When it comes to achieving his goals, he will not hesitate to keep silent about inconvenient facts, or even lie to his "allies". He is NOT evil, but certainly not good.
PS. -1 star for this.

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[HBO Max] It's interesting to see how far you can stretch a story that already showed signs of fatigue in the second movie (there are two sequels to shoot). What this part of the series does best is focus more on Dumbledore, but it still has the indelible label of being the poor sister of "Harry Potter," even if screenwriter Steve Kloves has been brought in to improve the flimsy writing of J.K. Rowling.

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As someone that is just a moderate fan of the wizardry world of Harry Potter, this is my least favorite of them all. It’s still a decent movie, and if you like similar movies I don’t think you will be too disappointed. Compared to the other Fantastic Beast movies it struggles the most to hold my attention. The first was good and an interesting take on the world we knew from Harry Potter. The second was a decent sequel that wasn’t quite as intriguing. This was is still fine but once again took a step back to me. I’ll always be interested to see where this world goes next, but I won’t be itching for the next Fantastic Beast movie at this point.

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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I found this to be a very watchable movie. The visuals are stunning, the costumes are superb, and the acting was believable. However, it feels like it was more of a set up for the next two movies than a continuation of the last two movies. I figured out fairly easily that Bunty was going to have the actual case because it was the only thing that made sense. But, it worked out well. Mads does a wonderful job as Grindlewald, as has everyone who played the character before, and his style goes well against Jude Law's Dumbledore. My only issue was that the Credence storyline felt lackluster. But, I hope it will be paid off in the next film.

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Both the Newt and the Dumbledore/Grindelwald stories could have been great movies (or multiple) but they just don't work mashed together like this.

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Mikkelsen makes a better Grindelwald than Depp he brings more layers and maturity to the character. As usual the Fantastic Beasts were good especially the scorpion crabs. I was a little bored with the story though it was lacking I was struggling to care. Some relationships feel barely touched upon.

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the whole time I was just waiting for dumbledore to go into mr. napkinhead mode

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I would've loved Mads Mikkelsen as Grindelwald from the beginning, he is perfect! His interpretation allowed me to see more than just a simple villain, I find his Grindelwald more mature and interesting.

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very well acted and definitely better than the previous one

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Finally watched this. It felt so long and boring. If not for the visuals especially the beasts this movie wouldn't even be a 3/10.

I'd prefer my time back.

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Bland and uninteresting mess. The ending is horrible and quite actually left me with my mouth open.

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"Funny how historic days seem so ordinary when you're living them. Well, perhaps that's what happens when the world gets things right. It's jolly nice to know it happens occasionally."

I don't want to say that this is really bad but I hadn't fallen asleep during a movie this many times since a long time. My girlfriend woke me up at least 3 times. Still I was able to follow the plot and we only had to rewind like 10 minutes and I still really enjoy all these creatures and I liked Jude Law as Dumbledore. It took awhile to get used to Mads Mikkelsen being Grindewald instead of spiky haired Johnny Depp but he was fine in the role and Ezra Miller looked so damn emo.

Anyway while I still enjoy being in the Wizardly World I don't see myself rewatching any of these Fantastic Beasts movies any time soon. I rather and happily watch the 7 Potter movies again.

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So they dumped Depp but kept Ezra Miller. How's that working out?

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It was a good continuation but i don’t like Grindelwald switching actors every movie lol

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Another entertaining entry in this franchise. It adds a love affair that, while feeling a bit pandering, still feels like it adds some more depth to the series. It's a better movie than the last, but not quite as good as the first. This would be a nice place to wrap things up.

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It's so obvious that Dumbledore being gay is something they pulled out of nowhere. There's no development whatsoever and it feels so inauthentic, so shallow. I want to imagine him in love with Grindelwald and simp over Jude Law and Mads Mikkelsen, but my God, the thing has no heart at all. This is not even the biggest issue of the movie, but it's the only thing that got a reaction from me. I didn't give a shit about anything else. Why do they keep making these again? :joy:

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Shout by virrtx

The plot involves two gay guys shooting their magic wands at each other and having a lovers Tiff effectively choose to kill each other. They they never stop being gay, they just decide to not have sex with anyone else. The ultimate female fantasy about gay boys in love. I almost imagine them to stop fighting in middle of a major battle and kiss and have sex. It is ridiculous.

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Another less-than-fantastic entry in this spin-off franchise to the Harry Potter films. As this is likely the last in the series, its doubly disappointing that this falls so flat. The actors stand around waiting to deliver their lines, things happen without much meaning, and the ending isn't quite the dramatic series closure that some were expecting. It looks good, however, and the actors do their best. But this isn't a film you will likely remember.

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A completed sh*tshow, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore squanders all of the potential that had been built up in the last film. No longer wanting to be a badass outlaw (for some reason), Grindelward gets the charges against him dropped so that he can run for political office, and Dumbledore assembles a ragtag crew to stop him. The story feels almost completely disconnected from the previous Fantastic Beasts; as it pushing the Dumbledore/Gindelwald blood pact, Credence’s heritage, and the romance plots into the background. And the recasting of Johnny Depp with Mads Mikkelsen, who has no charisma, as Grindelwald doesn’t help. Also, director David Yates doesn’t really bring any excitement or suspense to the film; making the wizard fights rather dull and lacking in dramatic weight. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore is incredibly dull and boring, and is by far the worst of the franchise.

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Hot garbage, even by HP standards.

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A good and captivating movie.
We can follow the story and make small pauses to learn about the smaller characters.
The graphics are spectacular, it nothing else, it's really amazing how incentive they can be with CGI.
The script is lacking, in my opinion, it's like the movie wants us to follow the story just on images - I wish there were more development to the characters and better dialogues.
7 overall, since 6 would not make justice to the creatures :grin:

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Much better then what I expected after seeing some of the scores online. The story is a bit predictable but none the less enjoyable. Mikkelsen is a worthy replacement as Grindelwald and Jude Law getting more screentime is a very good thing. Newts character is being pushed to the background a bit, but I actually think that this was the right decision. Supporting cast is very likeable and all get a decent amount of scenes.

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I watched the first two movies beforehand, because this whole series is so incredible forgettable. This one is better than the second one, but definitely worse that the first one. My biggest problem with it is that things just happen because they need to happen to get us where we need to go. The second one had major issues in the writing departement and this one is no different. There is no proper explanation for a lot of things and it feels very lazy.

Also, the magic 'fights' in the Wizarding World are so boring this day in age. In the Harry Potter-era, it was fine, but nowadays we've seen amazing magical fights in the MCU. Two lighting bolts clashing into each other isn't enough anymore. Step it up please.

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Is this better than the previous installments? Yes, but not by much. Mads Mikkelsen is a much better fit for Grindelwald, and they finally explicitly express whatever is between him and Dumbledore. That, and the Wizarding World has a special place in my heart, so I will never not enjoy a movie about it. But this entire franchise should have been so much better. I say scrap the entire thing and start over with a less confused plot that doesn't try to tell two different stories at once. Or maybe, just maybe, let's just leave the series in peace and in our fond memories.

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Shout by 020202

sorta predictable story but meh, still good effects and shots, also the nostalgia that hits when ever they show the beauty of Hogwarts makes one want to binge the whole eight movies again, such a beautiful franchise

some of my favorite ones were the rotating camera that goes into that pond of water and goes out on the other side, as well as Grindelwald rushing out of the water & attacking Aurelius, that one was very good

& of course the fight between Dumbledore & Grindelwald was good too

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It was unfortunately really boring, and even getting though the first hour was.. not an fun experience. I want my hour back.

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I enjoyed this a lot. Much more than the previous movies. Probably because of the mature and relevant themes like elections, power grab and stuff!

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would have been better if only Johnny depp played the role of Grindelwald it is made for him.

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Full of magic and incredible sights. Even though the story is long and predictable, it is an enjoyable watch

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I am a huge Harry Potter fan, but Magical Beasts are boring to me. They seem very childish.

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Newt's getting to my mind day by day.And also Mr. Kowalski.Dumbledore in it felt a bit dull though.But as for the wizarding world, another fun ride here.

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Long live Mads! Depp was the worst casting and killed the second movie. The second movie isn’t even needed.

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as always i am only here for the fantastic beasts and there were not nearly enough (quantity is not variety, you giant sea of scorpion monsters)

anyway i really don't think this needed to be a series but tbh i always love getting to look at mads mikkelsen so it wasn't a waste.

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I would like to say that we need the quilins in our world...badly
But the, because of what they are, they'll be extinct by us

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Why does Voldemort now have a nose and hair? I don't get the new movies. Give me a book, so I can understand the story.

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I know it can feel too long, that a lot of characters aren’t developed or don’t have the screen time they need because of their relevance and history.


I still enjoyed it.

:shrimp: :shrimp: :shrimp: :shrimp: :shrimp: :shrimp: :shrimp: :shrimp:

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These (Magical Creatures) are such strange films. The settings are amazing, the attention to period detail wonderful, and the little beasties are gorgeous - but somehow the films just don't land - at least, not for me. Unlike the Harry Potter series, where you could somehow believe in their world, here it too obvious that it is all total fiction. Sorry, JK - I'll watch them, but I'm waiting for Pandora 2, 3, 4 and 5, that is if I'm still around....

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I found Secrets of Dumbledore to be better than the second movie for sure but i didn't enjoy it as much as the first one, which wasn't a masterpiece to begin with. There are more throwbacks here to the Harry Potter movies especially in regards to the music though which is nice. The CGI work and special effects were generally better than the previous movies as well. Unfortunately I still found the characters uninteresting aside from Grindelwald, with Mikkelsen doing an amazing job portraying him and making me wish he could have been there from the start. Some storylines between characters felt super rushed or just thrown together randomly at the last minute with one in particular being extremely disappointing with how it turned out. Overall i never thought this side saga was anything special from the start, it's a serviceable addition to the original movies but suffers incoherent characterization and bland storytelling

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An exquisite denouement...please, don't be tired when you see this: You'll want to allow for fifteen-to-twenty minutes of happy tears at the end.

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If your gonna compare this movie to a pack of biscuits then surely this in would be custard creams, I thought that it was mostly boring. Definitely nothing special but not a total waste of existence when watching.

Don’t know how much of an impact it took replacing one of its main cast members and though it was just odd that Tina and Nagini wasn’t in it.

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No Johnny Depp. The movie sucks.
No disrespect to Mads Mikkelsen

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A bit better than the second film with more laughs and charm at least. While remembering to actually use the Fantastic Beasts.
Though like the second film. It forgets that
Katherine Waterston’s Tina was a main character. I liked her chemistry with Eddie Redmayne in the first film. She hasn’t had anything to do since.
Due to everything more about young Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Newt’s brother and now Eulalie (Jessica Williams).
Since the movie didn’t make enough money for a 4th film. I am happy that this is sort of a conclusion. However, it is a forgettable conclusion that isn’t very epic.

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This is OK for what it is. The first movie in this series is by far the best. I feel #3 is a little better than #2 but not by a lot. But if you like 1 & 2 then just sit back and enjoy.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Meh again.

'Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore' isn't any worse than the two films it follows, which is a minor positive at least. I'd actually put it above 1 but just below 2, though I'm splitting hairs really. I just feel all three are simply missing that little something extra, yet I'm not sure exactly what.

I also feel the same about the cast as I do for the preceding instalments, with the likes of Eddie Redmayne and Jude Law not doing much for me; though Law is at his best in the role here. I will say, however, that I did mildly enjoy Jessica Williams' performance.

The pacing is a tad iffy, if nothing super slow. The ending does feel delayed, I would've personally cut a decent chunk of it to be honest. The dialogue and humour is average, but one scene involving Pickett and Teddy did make me laugh in fairness.

All in all, I'm undoubtedly underwhelmed by these spin-offs/prequels to the great 'Harry Potter' franchise.

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This movie is weak beyond measure, and not any good acting can save the terrible directing. How did WB greenlight this stuff???

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No writer‘s room filled with bored young professionals could fabricate a less inspiring fan-fictionesque script than this one by JK Rowling.

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Man, they killed so many magical Bambis in this movie.

While not as depressing and miserable as the last movie, the magic of these movies are quickly fading. These movies need a brand new director with a fresh vision.

Jude Law and Mads Mikkelsen were good together, so at least there's that.

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Shout by Alfred
BlockedParent2022-04-16T10:01:08Z— updated 2022-04-18T01:27:31Z

Much better than the second movie. A few characters appear not fully developed. Ministry of magic needs to learn the concept of the magic free zone. You can watch this as a standalone movie.

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Shout by Tomas Lazaro

Best one out of the three for sure!

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So much better than the 2nd film. This one is actually fleshed out and has an actual story. I liked the concept of multiple paths to confuse the enemy. That allowed the movie to give some of the characters a bit more screen time while keeping the flow of the movie going.

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Without doubt, my favorite Fantastic Beasts movie so far.

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Awe, wonder, excitement. Some movies bring about these reactions. This movie, does not.

I re-watched the two earlier movies in the lead-up and even increased their scores. But this one, I was bored throughout. The only thing keeping me off my phone was the fact I was in a cinema.

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