Shouts about...

Final Girl 2015

Final Girl (2015) - :heart:x6

This is not a great movie, but also not bad. Mostly I just enjoyed watching Breslin kick ass giving those guys what they deserve. There are a lot of important unanswered questions though.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by ryandrews
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-07-24T15:21:59Z— updated 2023-08-11T09:54:57Z

This is a poor film, that had some potential. There's no reasons given for why the boys are hunting the girls for sport, why William has decided to get involved, or why Abigail is chosen to do it. So many holes, script could have been better. Avoid.

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2021-05-07T22:20:18Z— updated 2021-07-11T16:18:55Z

There is nothing wrong with this movie other than the question of why a group of boys would want to hunt girls for sport.

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Abigail Breslin is the Final Girl in this rather dull indie horror film. The story follows a young girl who’s trained to taken on a group of serial killers that lure women out into the woods and hunt them for sport. It’s an interesting setup, but it doesn’t really get explored at all; as there’s no real explanation as to who the killers are, or how they were found out and selected for this brand of vigilante justice. Additionally, the plot seems especially contrived and predictable. However, there is a fair amount of tension and intrigue to the hunt and the kills. And yet, in the end Final Girl just doesn’t work.

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I think I meant to add 'The Final Girls' to my Watchlist rather than this.

While not an awful film, it is a rather slow and uninteresting film that often feels preoccupied by 'artistic' or creepy shots over actual conveying a message within those shots. There are some fair performances throughout, though Wes Bentley's character is just outright odd.

I can't really recommend watching this unless you are a particular fan of any of the actors, as it is not gripping in its own rights, and doesn't lend itself to a fun group watch.

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Simple film with a theme that is usually liked, the girl they hunt becomes from prey to huntress. They care more about style than what they have, but it's okay to hang out. I did not imagine Abigail Bresslin as a kicker of asses

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It could have been more entertaining, but the hunt was short and predicatable. And this "trained" assassin girl is barely dangerous. In the beginning it shows her as a mostly apathic child, but somehow she ends up becoming a very empathic and normal girl: she acts as a normal teenager despite having lived all her life under custody of secret agents (or so it seems).
I don't know why but I was expecting a sort of Rambo situation here. Instead I got 5 cringy teens chasing each other in the forest.
Also there are a couple of plot holes, like why are these agents secretly targeting these murderous gang of teens? Why is not the police involved? Why couldn't the protagonist bring a fucking gun e shoot them in the car while going to the woods, or at least take a gun and bullets with her and hide them under her dress? Why was the group only killing blonde girls?
We'll never know.

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Shout by Catherine Michelle

Stylish. Beautiful attention to detail. Strong noir lighting and other elements make this an absolutely beautiful film.

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Not to be confused with The Final Girls, also starring Alexander Ludwig, this is a stylish but very odd revenge thriller. Part of a trend of recent movies - a teenager is trained up to be a killer/assassin/secret agent - this is enjoyable enough so long as you don't require a backstory for any of the characters within.

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Shout by Mohamad Karasneh

Not such a long story, but hell of a story.... She mastered it, i think i'm liking where horor movies are going, it's better.

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sounds interesting. can't wait to see it.

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