Personal Lists featuring...

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man 1943


Library for Kodi import


Here is an exhaustive list of Universal Monster Movies including the new Universal Monster Universe. I will be adding more of those as they are released. If you feel that there is something missing, feel free to suggest an addition. I realize Dracula '92, Frankenstein '94 and Gods and Monsters '98 are not Universal properties but I feel they are closely related and relevant.


This list is no longer updated as changes made to the way lists are editable on the site makes it impossible to place titles where they belong on the list. The complete/ongoing list lives on over at Letterboxed and lists over 1500 titles.

Last Update made May 17th 2022. Added: Kuntilanak 3 (2008), Kuntilanak 1-3 (remake trilogy), Haunted 1-5, The Damned and the Dead 1-3.

May 6th 2022: Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 1&2, Mutilator 1&2, Dark Night of the Scarecrow 1&2, Matabatin/The 3rd Eye 1&2, Fear Pharm 1&2, The Doll 1-3, Invoking 3-5, Araf 3&4 and Paranoia Tapes 1-9.

Films yet to be added (missing in database): The House on the Edge of the Park 2, Cannibals (sequel to Cannibal Holocaust), Shrooms 2, Araf 5.

Hannibal Lector films sorted under "Hannibal", Interview With a Vampire & Queen of the Damned sorted under "Vampire Chronicles", House of 1,000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, 3 From Hell and The Haunted World of El Superbeasto sorted under "Firefly".


From the book "Hidden Horror: A Celebration of 101 Underrated and Overlooked Fright Flicks"

Edited by Aaron Christensen


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.


Universal Classic Monsters is a home video line based on a series of horror films primarily produced by Universal Pictures from the 1930s to the 1950s. Although not initially conceived as a franchise, the enduring popularity and legacy of the films and the characters featured in them has led the studio to market them under the collective brand name of Universal Studios Monsters. Steve Jones of USA Today described Universal's most famous monsters as "pop culture icons", specifically Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy, and the Wolf Man.


Includes all Universal Monster movies, Hammer films as well as a few offshoot movies that fall into adjacent categories.


Listing stuff as I watch it. Here are all the werewolf shows/movies.


Listing stuff as I watch it. Here are all the Frankenstein shows/movies.


Listing stuff as I watch it. Here are all the monster movies and shows.


Most of the films featured on Cinemassacre's Monster Madness, along withba number of related films.


I've seen these so many times--or they're so tedious--they can lull me to sleep.


Monster films made by Universal including remakes that I need to watch (or rewatch)
