The hypothetical activity of traveling into the past or future, often mixed with loops whereby characters re-experience a span of time which is repeated, or warps whereby a distortion of space in relation to time, where people or objects of one period can be moved to another


Personal list of rewatchable pieces from Science Fiction, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Animated, Romance, Horror, Adventure, Superhero, Zombie, Supernatural, Classic, Film Noir, Documentary, Drama, Musicals, Road movie, Crime & Gangster, Thriller, British, Cult movies.


Time travel, predictions, parallel worlds,time loops, etc.


Típiques pelis americanes de risa. Normalment tenen un humor de merda que a mi em fa molta risa


Watchlist section for films


Pour une soirée film en famille


Pre/mid/post apocalypse movies.

Whether the disaster was natural, human made or caused by pesky aliens. Civilization is at the brink.

Maybe we just shouldn't have got out of bed this morning,


Movies featuring time-travel, time loops or related themes I have seen over the years.

Last Update: 06/2024


Low budget but great scifi movies and series. Feel free to make suggestions.


All movies I saw in 2016.

3,4 movies per week

0,88 hours per day

41 movies that were released this year.

Movies I saw already once before this year or watched twice this year (8):

City of God (twice this year)
Pulp Fiction
Pan's Labyrinth
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix
The Dark Knight
