Shouts about...

Friday the 13th 2009

So first we have to sit through the introduction of the first set of pricks and when the killing finally gets on the way, we get a title card and basically the sequel starts. Where we have to sit through the introduction of the second set of pricks . Ooh. We're so cool. We do the weed and brought an bong...

For god sake, get on with it.

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All Gold

Friday The 13th
Unrated Killer Cut Edition
(4 Alternate endings).
Out of the 4 iconic
Pillers of Horror
Jason is
the absolute best one of
them all and definitely my
favourite of all time.
This movie has got to be
One of the best remakes
ever done and Jason
has never been so
Frickin Awesome,
Deadly and Smart.
The pacing is amazing
the kills are sensational
and then to top it off
we have Sammy from
to go toe to toe
with Jason Vorhees himself,
I mean man what is not to
Love about this movie which
happens to be the best
Friday The 13th
movie to date.
This movie is aging
beautifully and still stands
as one of the best
Horror movies today.

I would love another
Jason movie to hit
2024, but what they
did to those
Piss-poor attempts
At Halloween Ends
and Hellraiser
(Jeepers Creepers RB)
was absolute
Bull-shit and a
middle finger, spit and
a slap in the face
to anyone who loves
there Horror so it's a
bitter sweet that
Friday The 13th
never got "Requeled".

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Maybe I'm just crazy, but I really think this was the best 'Horror Classic' remake to be released in the 2000s.

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Faithful and better than a lot of the originals. One bad review said it doesn’t make sense if it is called Friday the 13th when the original had the mom as the killer.
This film actually acknowledges the mom though, especially the extended cut. Where she is shown in the beginning. With young Jason coming back from the dead and finding the mom’s body.
The movie has some pretty funny deaths and some pretty brutal ones too.

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This was actually pretty good. Probably one of the better horror remakes out there. I don't have much to complain about. It doesn’t try to be anything else but an entertaining film. Some of the dialogues are genuinely funny, Jason looks his creepiest here, and the kills are surprisingly creative and brutal.

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some great one liners, but otherwise was as formulaic as a slasher film can get. i know that's kind of the point, but aaron yoo deserved to live way longer than some of those assholes.

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I actually enjoyed it more than any of the original films.

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The only good thing to come from this movie was the line: "You've got that perfect nipple placement."

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Shout by Deleted

Is not good like is i thougt and is short, but is creepy

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Terror is born anew in this frightening re-visioning of Friday the 13th. After a group of campers go missing at Crystal Lake the brother of one of the missing starts canvassing the area, where he meets a group of horny college students who are on vacation; but little do they know they are trespassing on the grounds of Jason Voorhees, a psychotic killer. The film’s pretty much a composite of the first four Friday the 13ths, and it stays fairly true to the series formula. Jared Padalecki and Danielle Panabaker give strong performances, but the rest of the cast is rather weak. However, this could just be a result of some bad writing, as most of the characters are uninteresting and the dialog is poor. Still, the violence is quite intense and horrific. While it has a few problems, Friday the 13th is a solid remake that gets back to the suspense and horror roots of the series.

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Perfect nipple placement is so underrated!

The Friday the 13th reboot is not a film I will remember every bit of, but this has been my second viewing and it still entertained me. It's nothing special but it could've been much worse. We have both Sam Winchester and Caithlin aka Killer Frost in starring roles. Still watching Supernatural and the Flash. I knew Jared Padalecki was in this, but I forgot about Danielle Panabaker. We have boobies, drunk teenagers, Jason's mom, machete kills, Trent the asshole, Camp Crystal Lake, CHEWIE!, a jump scare at the end, a classic but horrible IN HELL!!!!! and loads of alcohol.

It is one of those perfect night shift films, or late night ones with a couple of beers. It's the Friday the 13th my friends will enjoy the most because it isn't that "old". They should really watch part 3 or 4 or even Jason X!

(PS. I know they do the My Bloody Valentine trailer as a soundbite in a season 7 episode of Supernatural which stars Dean aka Jensen Ackles, but did they also use this one?)

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Not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I watched all the other Friday the 13ths last year and didn't bother with the remake because I thought it would be terrible, not like that stopped me from watching Jason Goes to Hell. Still this was fun with some good kills and teen sex.

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Typical generic horror film, I mean I liked it, but can't stand all the crazy drug/sex/swearing scenes all the way through. Stick to the horror!

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I didn't particularly care for this movie. The cinematography was nice, sure, but the story was very weak. Maybe that's a symptom of not having seen the original, but from my perspective, I did not get the experience I expected. The story was full of "this happened, and then this happened. Then this happened." I don't regret the time spent, as there were a lot of good moments.

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Shout by vindicaptr
BlockedParent2017-06-12T16:02:29Z— updated 2017-06-14T08:42:00Z

Bad remake. The all too typical 1) "He's behind you!!!" 2) The horniest clean cut white dude always dies first 3) How would you know what scene will be next? Simple formula: Sex scene then killing scene then sex scene [...] Ending -- Surprise m.f. I'm still alive. >_>

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The original movie is boring (but I'm a hardcore Halloween/Michael Meyers fan). The beginning of this movie when they first show Jason is what I always thought he should be - fast and brutal. The rest of the movie is just filler.

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I will give the movie a solid 7 out of 10. It went out and did what it was supposed to, but if you are more into the suspenseful horror films, and not hack and slash with a few jump scares, then Friday the 13th 2009 is not for you.

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It's not for every fan of the original but I think it's better than the originals. Since I was more of a Michael Myers fan in the 80's. Hell I barely even like the original Friday the 13th.
The Halloween remake blows; this remake is watchable at least. With some pretty brutal murders. While it also didn't make dumb changes, like make Jason a pedophile for instance. Which was done with Freddy in the Nightmare on Elm Street remake.
So I don't get the hate for this movie. It takes Jason seriously and the movie is pretty insane.

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Volvemos a un Remake de una saga clásica como es Viernes 13 y al contrario a lo que comente de la Niebla , esta me parece muy interesante y sangrienta aunque eso es realmente un punto encontra.

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Julianna Guill, sooooooooooo yummy.

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