FRIENDS is one of those series that you can watch over and over again and you will keep laughing like the first time. There are so many memories, so many emotions experienced by this group of people who are more than friends, they have become a great family. Thanks for this reunion! It was what we needed, the old and new fans of the series. Enjoy it. It's amazing.

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HIGHLY enjoyable and the standard by which all future TV show reunions should be measured. A great mix of now/then, reminiscing, reappearances and behind-the-scenes video and stories. I originally wanted to see a scripted reunion, but I found this to be far more satisfying. Well done!

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I don't think I'm the only one who couldn't stop smiling and crying at the same time.

Could this reunion be any shorter ???????

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This is what we wanted and made me cry laugh love ... it was rollercoaster of emotions.
felt like just seeing your old friends
i just hate that it was too short.

they were on a break.

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This was very good at some points, but it's mainly one hour and forty minutes of resisting the urge to book a plane ticket to America to track down and punch James Corden in his insufferable, irritating face.

And no Paul Rudd? They got irrelevant guests like Lady Gaga, BTS and Justin Bieber but not Paul Rudd? Aisha Tyler? Cole Sprouse?

(my original comment was deleted for some reason?)

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I don't get why it was necessary to have these many guest stars (I mean, outside of the original guest stars). (James Corden was so unfunny.) The highlight of this reunion was truly when the producers/creators talked about the casting process, behind-the-scenes things. But that's it.

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James Corden: Matthew, who doesn't pick up?
Matthew Perry: I don't hear from anyone.

As a fan of the show, I wanted to love this so much, but I couldn't help but get sad. Why was this the first time they have set foot in the same room after all this time? I think Matthew Perry has gone through some hard times because he did not seem to be enjoying himself. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air Reunion had me feeling nostalgic and happy, where as this one had me feeling nostalgic and sad. Also where is Paul Rudd??

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I cried and smiled at the same time. Wish it was long enough.

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Really, a missed opportunity. I liked the concept of it, but many things irked me. What was the reason to Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber on this reunion? No offense to them, but they have no relationship with the show. They should have got some of the other people that starred on Friends instead, like Paul Rudd or Cole Sprouse.

Seeing the six protagonists reminisce about the days of the show was very nice and I enjoyed that a lot, even though I didn't particularly like James Corden's contribution to the whole affair. I also really really liked hearing the producers and creators of Friends talk about the behind the scenes, the casting and all that, that was lovely.
But beside those positive aspects, I felt like this reunion was full of filler and unnecessary content. Which is truly a shame, because I'm sure both the actors and the producers would have had enough stories to easily fill a 2 hour runtime or more.

Expected more, but the nostalgia factor barely saves it.


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While it was good to see them watch scenes and talk to each other about the experience, a lot of it is soulless and vapid.

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I have for the longest time thought that friends is in fact the best show ever. But over the past few years, having played the show running in the background while randoming the episodes during work from home has made me lose interest in much of the jokes.

The reunion has no real funny comedic scenes apart from a few others. The editing seemed very weird, cutting from one scene to a completely non related thing without a proper transition.

Regardless of this, the reunion made me realise how great the actual show was, and shared a few details which I didn't know about. If it weren't for this realisation part, I'd have rated it 5/10, but I'll stick with 8/10. Being completely subjective with the 8/10 score, but who cares. Nostalgia wins.

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Shout by A.K.
BlockedParent2021-05-28T12:20:37Z— updated 2021-05-30T04:08:05Z

It's a combination of interviews, documentaries and bloopers with some fun elements.
I enjoyed it and that's how it should be. After 17 years seeing these 6 get old and goofing around will not be the same.
But it did felt incomplete, they should've completed the game.

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What an absolute waste of time. Guests show up as fast as they leave, often with less than a minute of screen time. There’s a bunch of long and uninteresting interviews done to random celebs who never had anything to do with the show. James Corden’s interview is so edited down to the point where he speaks more by himself than all of the Friends’ cast combined. The only good moments were the archive footage from the shooting of the show and the very few times when the cast actually had some time to breathe and reminisce about their path on Friends. Sadly, those good bits were few and far between.

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Amazing. Absolutely loved it. Everything was incorporated so well from the ‘live’ show, to the cameos (yes there were some missed opportunities, Paul Rudd for example), new footage, the bloopers, scene re-enactments et al.. I’m not embarrassed to say if I wasn’t laughing “PIVOT. PIVOTTT” I was crying. I wasn’t old enough to be allowed to watch when the ending actually aired (that and the fact we didn’t have the sheer number of channels available to watch it that we do now), this to me felt more like closure and in my opinion, it was incredibly well done and better than a scripted episode. Glad they stuck with their decision not to do that and instead did this :blush:

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If I wanted a soulless interview I would have watched one of the thousands of them on Youtube. What a wasted opportunity.

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Speaking as someone who have only seen a random handful number of episodes, this was an excellent reunion special.

In memory of Matthew Perry who passed away today.

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It starts slow but there are still a lot of good memories in there.

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This was really great - I just think that James Corden shouldn't have been the host but it was nice to see the cast back together reminiscing about the 10 seasons of friends.

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rollercoaster of emotions from crying to laughing to crying again. this show is THAT show, big part of my life, took a big chunk of my soul with it :(

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As I enjoyed the series, I have enjoyed this special chapter. if you were a fan, you will enjoy it

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The show, if looked objectively, is a little silly and empty. The directing is poor too.

It's FRIENDS, the best show in TV history, so yeah, I almost cried for a whole lot of reasons. And I laughed hard too, but mostly out of love.
I wish they put a little more effort in it, but I was very happy just seeing them one more time after all these here.

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Brought all the memories and emotions. Thanks.

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It was really good! I just didn’t like those guest stars who weren’t on the show.
A pop baby singer, a footballer? Why? Why would they be there? Did anyone asked for them?!

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Enjoyed it even though I've never seen a single episode of Friends. I was young back then and didn't care for foreign shows.

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Shout by Liesl
BlockedParent2021-05-28T04:30:34Z— updated 2021-05-29T14:34:40Z

Fun! The scenes with the six sitting around and reminiscing are the best; this group of individuals has the perfect energy and chemistry when they are all together. I also enjoyed the table reads, behind the scenes footage and information, and bloopers. I would have liked to see a lot more guest stars and recurring actors pop in, whether in person or pre-taped. The portions with Corden and his softball questions are the worst parts and often feel stiff.

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It's like a part of my heart stopped after i finished the show the first time, and it just started right back with this. Pretty well made, but could've just given all the screen time to them interacting. It's been a few years since I've fully re-watched friends and i was starting to forget that it was the best show I'd ever seen just because it's too famous, but that first time watching really was the best 121 hours of all of our lives.

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Looking at the great cast and crew, unforgettable scenes of 236 episodes, and iconic set... It's quite a nice journey. There are so many funny moments, my cheeks hurt from laughing. On the other hand, there are many emotional moments that made me cry. I'm so glad they didn't make a scripted episode, or a movie as a reunion. Thanks to everyone involved except James Corden, Justin Bieber and BTS.

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James Corden was nowhere near as bad as everyone makes it, really enjoyed this, was nice to see them all back together albeit a bit more plastic, I cried quite a bit

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Brought back a lot of great memories! This is a must see show for anyone claiming to be a fan. Do yourself a favor and watch this show.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this! I didn't get why they had guest stars that weren't related to the show in any way though....and wouldn't have picked James Corden to host. And there seemed to be a lot of bits edited out and not as much dialogue between the cast. Flashbacks were nice, seeing normal people from around the world saying how the show impacted them was cool and some of the side characters showing up added a nice surprise. Would have been nice to see some others as well. I still give it a 9 :)

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I think it is a disturbing idea to make this reunion… they look like fucking aliens
after face and boobs surgery. Horrible, I couldn’t watch the whole thing….

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It was fun to see the old gang back together again. It brought back many happy memories. I had forgotten how much I actually enjoyed the show back when it was on. Clearly, an impetus to go back and re-binge old episodes. Loved how they all hated Marcel the monkey. Really dug the live-studio trip-ups (literally) as well. Watching Friends is kinda like slipping into that old favorite super-comfortable t-shirt that you absolutely refuse to donate to Good Will.

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Shout by Ro

Glad to see we all get fatter

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Of course it wasn't what we expected. We expected it not to end EVER! I smiled, laughed and cried. I loved it but it was very short.

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At first I thought it was understandable that Paul rudd didn't join because covid and all

Then Gunther showed through Zoom and I'm like "WAIT A MINUTE"

Inexcusable, Paul. Inexcusable.

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Really enjoyable reunion! Big laughs, long cries.

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It was a small segment, but really enjoyed fans explain what & why the show meant to them…and, how great was it seeing Malala counted among them?

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If you loved the show, this mix of clips, reminiscing, reactions and interviews will be nostalgic, a little sad and just not enough of a visit with old friends. FRIENDS was a defining moment of an era. THE REUNION was like a video at a funeral, evocative but not enough to recapture the essence of the thing mourned. I think it is a must see for fans, to just recapture some moments. I wasn’t a fan. I didn’t watch the series when it was first broadcast because the snippets I did see were setting a new low for acceptable morality and that really concerned me. Art not only reflects morality it also influences, twists or identifies societal norms. However, in the time since, I’ve watched most of it and understand that these characters were a generation’s best friends and there was a phenomenal personal investment in their lives. I’m thinking if you were part of that cohort this reunion is a 10 (must see), for me it was a 7 (retrospective) out of 10. [Nostalgic Event]

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Its basicly a documentary. A documentary that will make u feel like ur about to shed a tear, atleast once. As long as you loved the show. And if you didnt love the show im not sure why ur watching this to begin with :)

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This was an amazing nostalgic ride. Only downside is that, after watching this, I felt extremely old myself.

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Shout by mwalimu254

I couldn't stomach it past the turning off of the water fountain, i was like nope...... You havent been in a room together since the finale.......?

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Omg!!! So good. Makes me want to go watch it again

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That was such a satisfying reunion to watch. I had such a big smile on my face throughout. They way this thing together was perfect in my eyes, I don't need to see a new scripted episode or movie because I love the show for what it is. Seeing the cast together and reminiscing on this incredible show they made and how they treasure the memories they made to please us, the fans, is something I'm incredibly grateful to experience. Thanks to the creators of the show, thanks to everyone who made the original show and this reunion, because you did an amazing job.

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This is the finale of Friends, One of the most funny and most setcom show ever created, Now if I die I am satisfied.

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Fairly enjoyable and very well crafted.

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