I like the sense of homor used in this film and being against senseless violence, I can honestly say that I could not detect any senceless violence in this movie, therefore a 10+

5 grams, kilo 5 kilos scene is brilliant / hilarious.

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I did not expect much of this film the first time I saw it. Boy did it surprise me. A lot of laughs, even on my second time watching it some odd months after it's release.

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From Paris with Love is an enjoyable and action-packed thriller that delivers on its promises. John Travolta's performance is a highlight, bringing his trademark charisma and energy to his character. The movie's action sequences are well-executed and the film's pacing is also solid, with a steady stream of suspense and excitement throughout.

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From Paris With Love is a wild and crazy action film that’s pretty entertaining for a popcorn flick. The story follows a low level CIA agent that gets partnered with an out-of-control specialist that’s comes to Paris to take down a terrorist cell. John Travolta and Jonathan Rhys Meyers lead the cast and work well together. Travolta does a particularly good job at pulling off a crazy character and has a lot of fun doing it. However, the film pushes the characters and the story a bit too far and it starts to become ridiculous (and not in a fun way). Yet even with the ridiculousness, From Paris With Love is a fun thriller with a lot of exciting action.

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I usually like those French Canal+ co-productions, but this one was meh. I like guys with guns and all the violence, but this was... senseless. Or so it seemed.

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Not good. Honestly would these two really ever get partnered together? The apparent incompetence of the Reese character is maddening, not humorous. I need an ‘ugh’ rating.

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