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Get Shorty 1995

Such a fun send up of Hollywood and gangster films. Love Travolta's character in it. His child like glee over film is affecting. The commentary of how similar mob life and the movie business are is quite entertaining.

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Yes, know: fish, chips, cup ‘o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary f*cking Poppins… LONDON!!!

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I just love this movie!!! There's not much more to say. Sonnenfeld made, with Get Shorty, one of my favorite movies of the 90s. That's no major surprise, as I love just about anything that has the ever so lovely Rene Russo in it, but most of the actors in this little gem do alright. The story is good, the comedy is well-timed and funny, and everything is delivered in an extremely charming way.

Love it!!!

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Not bad. I saw Be Cool first, so this felt very samey despite coming first.

However, I am left wondering what happened regarding the drug lord sitting around looking for his $500,000 and his dead nephew. Even with Bo and Ronnie dead, I'm sure there is some kind of paper trail he can follow to Zimm. Seems like a big hole to leave open.

Definitely stronger bad guys than Vaughn from the sequel though.

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