Shouts about...

Gilda 1946

Rita Hayworth turns in an incendiary performance, but the trouble is that she outshines every other part of this movie. We go from "Put the Blame on Mame" in one moment to a dry discussion of...tungsten cartels? George Macready (doing his best Von Stroheim impression) is dull and Glenn Ford is an empty suit. The film only works when we spend time with Gilda, but the movie writes her as nothing more than the object that others bounce off of.

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I was loving this movie until the extra melodramatic third act. Had potential to be one of my faves but got a little too cheesy in the end. Still... Rita Hayworth makes every moment of the film worth it.

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Image 3.25 / 5 and sound 3/5 What good chemistry between Rita and Glenn, what a great movie.

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