Shouts about...

Gloria Bell 2019

Boring as my life. But that's the point.

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Julianne Moore is terrific as usual, and the film itself is an effective character piece worthy of her talents.

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For a while this film reminded me a lot of Blue Jasmine. In that film Cate Blanchet took an otherwise-mediocre film and made it pretty good. Julianne Moore is that good - probably her best work since Far From Heaven. To be fair this film is better than that one (if nothing else the supporting cast is superior) but it certainly isn't going to be for everyone. It is definitely a character study and it requires that the audience really be patient and work for the reward. If you're the type that wants plot and story spelled out for you for easy consumption this film isn't for you.

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This movie is not the worst ever. It is definitely not good, it is one of the most forgettable films ever. It won't trigger any thoughts, it doesn't have any layers, it won't trigger any conversations. The only good thing about it is the acting. But even that... is kind of forced, since the dialogue is too boring. The cinematography is also boring, the directing is boring. This is very lazy film-making. The story isn't very focused and isn't going anywhere. The side characters are puppets and the main characters evolve just barely to keep the "plot" going. The film is supposed to go on through powerful feelings, second chances, the meaning of trust, etc. but all is poorly handled.

Turturro and Moore are good, but they are wasted potential since there are not many chances for them to show their true skills.

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Considering this is an A24 film with a really good cast somehow it's still skipable. This film dosen't really seem to know what it's going for and istead of having an intended message or progressive plot we just follow events that take place which can make for some of the best movies if done right but it wasn't really done right. This film does have great acting and a good cast and isn't a bad watch just it's pretty skipable most likely u won't feel any different having seen it compared to having not.

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I'm not the target audience for Gloria Bell, but whoever is will enjoy a magnificent performance by Julianne Moore who reminds us that she is arguably the most consistent best actress working today.

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Julianne Moore is very good. I liked watched her dance. The movie as a whole is ok. I thought it did end well.

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