Shouts about...

God's Not Dead 2014

As a lifelong Christian, this ain't it chief. Everything about this movie is just wrong, from its shallow theology, outlandish depictions of any non Christian groups, its ugly cinematography and horrific music choices, the whole thing is just an insult to the religion it claims to fight for. Christians, I beg of you, please stop supporting this utter garbage and give your time and money to something more deserving of it. Heck, even Veggietales would be a more informative and compelling experience than this.

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Stupid, shallow and unrealistic, but at least funny to watch with a friend because the acting and scriptwriting is so bad that despite some heavy themes it’s impossible to take even a second of this movie seriously.

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It’s a little corny, but God’s Not Dead has a positive message about standing up for one’s beliefs. Based on a series of court cases where colleges have infringed upon students’ religious liberties, freshman Josh Wheaton takes up his philosophy instructor’s challenge to prove that there’s a God; and in doing so he starts a ripple effect that spreads throughout his community. The acting’s pretty poor all around, and the writing’s not that good either. Yet it’s rather interesting how the story plays out and interconnects the different characters. And, there’s an inspirational quality that comes through as well. Though it has some problems, God’s Not Dead ends up being more than the sum of its parts.

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I expected to puke due to the subject matter but I didn't. The movie was well made but the story didn't prove anything. It just reinforced the premise that religion is for losers and people who are going through rough patches. The movie tip toed around the subject, introducing more stories than necessary. Good acting though. Yeah. God's not dead as (s)he never existed in the first place.

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God's not dead, but the script should have killed.

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This is pure propaganda. I hoped for an objective movie that would have a meaningful debate.

All non-believers are portrayed as evil. Truly monsters. (not exaggerating).

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I gave it 5 for the debate, the rest was crap.

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God's Not Dead- The worst and most inaccurate piece of godly propaganda I have ever seen. Aside from being riddled with fallacies and being completely unrealistic (similar to what it stands for), the film and its creators look at nothing objectively and insist that atheists and other religions are all terrible, abusive and corrupt people.

If atheists were to make a film that flipped roles and portrayed christians the way they portrayed us, there would be utter outrage. But, if you haven't noticed, no one opposing this film really took it seriously enough to even be offended.

The film tells viewers that you can't be a good moral person without Jesus, and that it is perfectly fine to abandon your religion and beliefs as long as you are abandoning them to join the christian church. They also claim that if there's no god, then we as humans have no morals. That's extremely reassuring. I should hope filmmakers never lose their faith, otherwise they could go on a killing spree.

So yeah, go watch it. It's good for a laugh or two but the sex scene is rubbish.

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I have seen a lot of people saying that's a horrible movie, but I enjoyed, there is no fanaticism which I saw in others christian movies, that is why is different.

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Madre mía!!! pedazo de truño de dimensiones bíblicas!!!! (nunca mejor dicho)

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For everyone who thinks of him or herself as a philosopher, this movie has a great subject. For scientists this subject has a career ending risk. Even trying to deviate from the norm on other subjects on the origin of life is risky.

I myself wouldn't be that surprised if we ironically discover that we came from another world, which we left because it had lost it's magnetic field and bombarded with cosmic rays, making it un-suitable for the continuation of life.

Whatever a person chooses, to belief is up to him or her. Must I must agree that this film has some elements in it that should have been left out, although they have done they're research right. As Al-Ikhlas is the surah where Muslims differ from the Christians. Maybe the best is to belief in love for others.

And while your reading this and start to think about the words, you might accidentally wind up philosophising about the meaning of life.

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I really enjoyed this movie! And so did the group I was watching it with

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Not the worse that christian propaganda has to offer. Still, I found it quite offensive towards pretty much every non-christian group depicted. So if you're Atheist, Agnostic, Muslim, Chinese, a woman, a lawyer, a blogger/journalist or, most of all, a philosophy professor, please consider yourself warned.
PS: to be fair, the doctors are actually portrayed as human beings, but their faith is left unsaid.

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Better than usual for Christian movies. For more, read the review:

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