Personal Lists featuring...

Gone Girl 2014


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David Fincher’s filmography to date


Dive into the complex world of "Shades of Grey: Cinema's Morally Ambiguous Characters," a curated collection of 50 English-language films that explore the intricate nature of morality through their protagonists and key characters. This playlist features a wide array of genres, from gripping thrillers and intense dramas to dark comedies and crime epics, each offering a unique perspective on characters who exist in the moral grey zone. Whether they're anti-heroes, conflicted villains, or individuals caught in challenging ethical dilemmas, these movies promise to engage, challenge, and provoke thought about the nature of right and wrong. Perfect for cinephiles seeking depth, complexity, and a touch of introspection in their viewing experience.


Dive into 'Shadows and Laughter: The Ultimate Dark Comedy Collection,' featuring 50 must-watch dark comedies and 5 honorable mentions. From cult classics like 'Dr. Strangelove' to modern masterpieces like 'Parasite,' explore films that brilliantly blend humor with the macabre, satire, and the surreal. This comprehensive list promises a unique cinematic journey through laughs in the face of darkness, making it the perfect guide for aficionados of the genre seeking the best in dark humor and witty storytelling. Whether you're a fan of psychological twists, societal critiques, or just love a good laugh with a side of cynicism, 'Shadows and Laughter' has something for everyone.




Oscar, highrating movies I have to watch.
