Personal Lists featuring...

Gonzo 2023


Most of the feature films and some shorts shown at the LUFF. (Sorted by release date.)
Some titles are NSFW and thereby blocked on trakt.


172 movies watched (179 times) plus 3 shorts that were shown before the movie.

53x OV/Om(e)U (OV = Original Version, Om(e)U= Original mit (englischen) Untertiteln, germ. for Original with (English) Subtitles)
11x 3D
3x Digital IMAX
3x 70mm/35mm Analog Film
1x HFR (HFR = Higher Frame Rate Version)
1x iSense

Specials Screenings:
9x BoC (BoC = Best of Cinema, means older movies are shown once again in cinema)
11x Re-release/Repertory Screening (BoC, KC & Pride Night Excluded)
2x Preview (a special screening some days before the regular nation wide release)
3x Pride Night (a special screening of a Pride related movie within the Pride month)
1x KC (KC = Kino Café, germ. for Cinema Cafe)
6x Rolle Vorwärts (german for "Roll foreward", a collection of international short films)
