Shouts about...

Goodbye to Language 2014


Shout by Deleted

I spent the entire day getting 3D playback set up on my projector just so I could see it in its intended format. I would highly recommend watching it in 3D. It wouldn't have been the same movie in 2D by far. I really enjoyed it for the most part. I could watch it again in the future if someone else wanted to watch it.

However, I felt as though the majority of the film was ultimately pointless. It also had some of the worst sound mixing I've ever heard. The extreme changes between barely audible and deafeningly loud would have been more appropriate for a theatre experience I guess. Some parts of the film were laughably repetitive, some parts were unintentionally funny. Overall I enjoyed the surreal experience and it was a very unique film that had hints of impressive filmmaking here and there that never lost my attention. 6/10

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