All movies

by mnrbig

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Countries: za, za, gb, us
Genres: action, adventure, animation, comedy, crime, documentary, drama, family, fantasy, musical, mystery, romance, science-fiction, suspense, thriller, western
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 75 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Genres: comedy, thriller
Trakt ratings: Between 75 and 100 with at least 10
IMDb ratings: Between 75 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1980 and 2021



by Aerya

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Certifications: g, r, nr, pg, pg-13
Languages: en, fr
Trakt ratings: Between 75 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021



by asperate

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 65 and 100 with at least 25
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1900 and 2021


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Trakt ratings: Between 75 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Genres: comedy
Trakt ratings: Between 75 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021



by Alex Sireteanu

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 65 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 500 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Certifications: r, pg, pg-13
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 75 and 84 with at least 35
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1990 and 2100


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 1 and 100 with at least 0
IMDb ratings: Between 10 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 60 and 400 minutes
Years: Between 1950 and 2021


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Trakt ratings: Between 50 and 100 with at least 2
IMDb ratings: Between 60 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 60 and 1000 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Genres: comedy
Trakt ratings: Between 50 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021



by jwallin

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Trakt ratings: Between 75 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021



by SieyS

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Trakt ratings: Between 10 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Translations: fr
Years: Between 1910 and 2020



by Bebflix

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Trakt ratings: Between 75 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 70 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 60 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1970 and 2021



by OVO Sharing

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Languages: en
Min rating: 75
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 10
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1910
Max year: 2020



by satplayground

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Languages: en
Min rating: 60
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 10
Min runtime: 80
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 2000
Max year: 2020



by Drez Ling

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Min rating: 75
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 10
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1910
Max year: 2020


English Movies 1900 - 2050 Rating 75+

by oiba

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Countries: au, ca, ie, nz, gb, us
Min rating: 75
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 20
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1900
Max year: 2050



by clevervpndude

This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own by customizing this list: https://mdblist.com/?list=20312246
Updated at 2021-04-01 20:16:25


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Languages: en
Min rating: 65
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 10
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Translations: en
Min year: 1980
Max year: 2020


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Min rating: 75
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 10
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1910
Max year: 2020



by Raul Rosado

List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Min rating: 65
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 10
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1910
Max year: 2030



by Jamie

Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.



by Jamie

My favorite TV shows and movies.


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/flogscid/top-movies-jer
Updated at 2022-11-02 07:28:18


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Min rating: 0
Max rating: 10
Min votes: 40
Min runtime: 0
Max runtime: 1000
Min year: 1900
Max year: 2020


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Min rating: 0
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 0
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 2010
Max year: 2019


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.
