Personal Lists featuring...

Gymkata 1985


TCM Underground is a weekly late-night cult film showcase airing on Turner Classic Movies. Developed by former TCM marketing director Eric Weber, it was originally hosted by industrial rock/heavy metal musician and independent filmmaker Rob Zombie. The movies were programmed by Eric Weber until 2007, when TCM programmer Millie De Chirico took over the role.


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


UPDATED: July 10th, 2020

In case you need some ideas for a movie night. Or just something really stupid/amazing/both to watch. All sorts of genres represented here, but with a skew toward action/horror/sci-fi and some comedy.

Note: This isn't strictly BAD movies, there are some (underappreciated) greats in here, or maybe just some movies you might have forgotten about. At the very least they're all interesting.


Movies from the How Did This Get Made? podcast at


What makes a film so appalling that it transitions from ordinary ineptitude into the sublime; beyond cult status (and all reason) and into that surreal place where you really can’t believe what you’re watching? This list is a remarkable collection of action films, particularly from the 80's and 90's, that were so awesome and so cheesy, that they have become mainstays in a lot of DVD collections.


The series of movies discussed on the main episodes —Paul, June and Jason saw ALL these movies… so you know what that means!


Collection of movies Nick used to watch in his rundown Chinatown tenement housing while high on cough medicine.
