Personal Lists featuring...

Hanna 2011


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 100000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-09-17


Thrillers and anxiety inducing flicks.


Movies with spy plot in any form (dramas, action, adventure, comedies, war, crime, mystery, conspiracy theories, political thrillers, science fiction, e.t.c.).

Definition: A Spy movie shows the espionage activities of government agents seeking to uncover or maintain secrets from each other and for one country or for the benefit of another. Offering a combination of exciting escapism, technological thrills, and exotic locales, and combine the action and science fiction genres. They may also involve elements of political thrillers.

Essential / Must-see / Genre-defying: espionage movies:

North By Northwest (1959)
Notorious (1946)
The Conversation (1974)
Mission: Impossible (1996)
Casino Royale (2006)


Standalone movies I want to watch...


Pow! Pow! Zoom! Adrenaline pumping action movies.


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
What Maisie Knew (2012)
Buried (2010)
The Babadook (2014)
Song of the Sea (2014)
Sleeping with Other People (2015)
Coriolanus (2011)
Palo Alto (2013)
The Hunt (2012)
Tamara Drewe (2010)
Machine Gun Preacher (2011)
Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2015)

Last Updated: 26/06/2019


Top spy movies voted on by ranker.


Female leads that kick ass. Mostly action movies… tough babes, gals, women, females, broads, vixens, girls, femmes, ladies, bitches, grannys, mothers, daughters, sisters etc


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


These are some of my favorite classic detective/law enforcement TV Shows I remember growing up. These shows are not a random copy and paste list. These are real shows I personally enjoyed. I don't believe in lists that contain 8,000 movies claiming that everyone must see before they die. Dumping tens of thousands of movies in a playlist to share is irresponsible to others. No one can be helped by that! It can only mean that you're not genuine with your "selection." In fact, you'd probably die before you actually even finish looking through that long list!!
