Shouts about...

Harlem Nights 1989

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - From the casting to the story it’s a classic.

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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Eddie Murphy tries to make a glamorous film

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The movie seems like it's not sure if it wants to be serious or a comedy. And it's a little mean spirited in spots, whatever though, I had a blast watching it. Three generations of comedy together in one film? It's worth it enough for that.

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