Shouts about...

Hearts Beat Loud 2018

Hearts Beat Loud is a great, low key movie.

There's no epic events happening, no big twists, no unrealistic decisions. And that's exactly what it needed to be.

Following a Man and his Daughter the week leading up to her departure for school, we see the relationship, and bond, connect over their mutual love for music. You're seeing a window into their lives, with the events all feeling like a real snapshot of a week of this relationship and it never felt out of place.

The soundtrack is awesome, and really fits the movie. The music is at the heart of what you're watching, but done in a way that doesn't feel like a shallow movie made to match a soundtrack.

Would definitely recommend this one.

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I miss my kiddo so much

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Very simple, very straightforward, very sweet.
I crave movies like this - there's other in life than just "gritty, bad and dirty" pictures, and sometimes you need to simply relax and find such a tiny, big hearted quality project

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There is a scene early in the movie where one of the leads dismisses a song for being cheesy (I am paraphrasing).  The other lead says (again paraphrasing) that if it feels good you should just go with it.  That's the best thing about this film - I really felt a connection to the movie and the characters.  I love it when I don't want a film to end.  I can think of a few others that fell into that category - Begin Again, Once, Laggies. 

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Cute and meaningful father and daughter story. Love the main song they made in the film. Great actors in the cast!

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Boring, pointless movie.

And for a film about music, the songs are not particularly good.

Totally unrelated, seeing Ted Danson playing a bartender after he pretended to be a bartender as Michael in The Good Place amused me to no end. I got a real kick out of it. That was my favorite thing about this movie lol

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A very slow and relaxed yet emotional experience. Excellent actors, good music.

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Laidback movie didn't get my heart racing, but its an easy, if not always involving watch.

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A nice easy watch. Simple straightforward plot but the songs are pretty good.

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Nick Offerman is a total nick in real life. Nick this guy.

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Nick Offerman is a total dick in real life. Fuck this guy.

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