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Hellraiser: Deader 2005

Yeah, we get it: Kari Wuhrer is hot. Why write it into nearly every line of the script? Aside from shoddy dialogue and the distracting male-gazey fixations, the plot makes no sense and the editing is mid-2000's schlock. Still, it gets points with me because it's the only one of the sequels that manages to hit the themes of the original.

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I fell asleep but I'll give it points for trying

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Was there an actual story here?

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"This world, it obviously disappoints you all. That is why you chose to begin this journey. And since you gave yourselves so willingly, allow me to finish what he started."

Once again, this feels like two different movies; one is about a cult, and the other is a Hellraiser movie. This is the third time this has happened, and I hope the next one isn't the same because I'm close to giving up on these movies. On the other hand, there are some interesting ideas throughout the movie that needed better execution.

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another investigation, this time with a journalist - this is barely a Hellraiser movie

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