Shouts about...

High Life 2018

Difficult to do a non spoiler bit of text on this.

How much do we really care about other people?

Claire Denis' nihilistic sci-fi film is principality about morality, (de)humanization, social conscience and living in the now. But it's also about isolation, procreation, nature v nurture, carnal desires and incarceration. Early on, there is a conversation about taboos - the ending of the film certainly raises a few questions about that. There are even nods to sustainability and climate change. This film draws on influences of older films and is an ethereal, ambiguous experience. It is not an action based Sci-Fi thriller.

There are elements of Tarkovsky throughout, particularly' Stalker' and 'Solaris'. The themes of dogs may represent loyalty or master and slave type relationship. Comparisons with 'Annihilation', '2001' and 'Arrival' might also be made. It's violent, ascerbic and at times distressing. But it also has a real beauty about it, owing mostly to some superb cinematography from Yorick Le Saux and Tomasz Naumiuk.

Pattinson and Binoche are great, as they always are - but I thought Mia Goth stole the show as Boyse. This film will divide audiences but I thought it was an absolute gem.


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I love watching this movie. I don't really know if it is a great movie or why, but I really felt relaxed at the end of it. Nihilisticaly beautiful and amusingly contemplative, this piece is not for everyone.

If I have to give a negative comment it would be on the long list of disregards to science related aspectos that harmed a little bit the verisimilitude of the trip taken.

Have you noticed how fecundation seems like flying through a black hole?

PS: I don't recomend watching this movie when you're high because it will never end.

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Esoteric and poetic, but very singular; certainly not for everyone

High Life is as multiplex-friendly as anything in director Claire Denis's oeuvre (which is to say, not in the slightest). And although she's ostensibly working within genre parameters, the film covers many of her more familiar themes - the darker aspects of desire; the notion of being an outcast; parenthood; the inescapability of death; the beauty of the human body; the relationship between violence and sexuality. The presence of Robert Pattinson will probably draw in a lot of unsuspecting folks, who will have no idea what to make of Denis's slowly paced existential musings, resulting in a slew of "worst film ever" reviews. But although it's not Denis's best (that remains either Beau travail or Les salauds), it's a fascinatingly poetic and original film that is utterly uncategorisable.

For my complete review, please visit:

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Even for an A24 film, this is frustrating, challenging and maddening. But this isolated space tale is also mesmerizing and thought-provoking. It's ultimately hard to recommend. Weird. Nihilistic yet optimistic Extremely polarizing

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It’s quiet, eerie and thought provoking but also jarring Lu violent with some character motivations and development that just didn’t click.

All in all the performances and the atmosphere allow for introspection about solitude and purpose but something prevented me from caring to the point of deep emotional impact.

I watched this with my 6 week old daughter on my lap for extra astronaut-dad vibes. It helped.

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I love high-concept sci-fi movies. I also love space-melancholy movies. But, I barely connected with this one. For all the questions the movie seems to rise nothing feels strong enough to compel my curiosity. Great cinematography, decent acting but, fails to keep me hooked with the lackluster mid-region of the screenplay. An attempt to nullify this with a forward-backward narrative style wasn't that effective.

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The most absurd mission itself cannot be.

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Upon 2nd viewing, I disliked it slightly less. As a sci-fi nerd, I was disappointed with the set design. I agree with one reviewer who likened it more to a cheap office interior than some hightech space ship. I was missing the flight deck, consoles, control mechanisms. The space suits looked ineffective and poorly conceived. The only closing door I saw was for the fuck box - which honestly was the hottest part of this movie. Otherwise, let's see - lots of graphic violence against women, bodily secretions every damn where, the 1st victim was Black (even having Andre 3000 make a comment about it didn't make it less cliche), a jumpy timeline, random exposition (who the hell was the dude on the train??), mumbling important dialogue... Sigh. I wanted to give it another chance after hearing how much Pattinson adores this director Claire Denis. I can't say I agree yet. Maybe 3rd time's a charm....

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I came here for Juliette Binoche

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It's not boring, as some have suggested. Stuff does happen. Just don't expect a satisfying movie.

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not a bad movie. i would have given 7, but i didnt get it.

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With this most peculiar fusion of Jonathan Glazer's Under the Skin and Tarkovsky's 70s output, Robert Pattinson doubles down on his efforts to fade into obscurity with every passing film

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Making every scene & every interaction as brutally slow moving & achingly wooden as possible does not make your film "artsy". I'm a bit overwhelmed at the praise heaped on this film because I was not invested in it or the characters at all, instead I found myself crushed with boredom. Space is isolating. Yep, we know. Putting criminals in close spaces for some experimental trip towards a black hole and using them for reproductive experiments is likely not going to have great results (surprising, right?). But instead of intense interactions that it should trigger... it's just glacially paced, sullen conversations punctuated by a quick violent outburst here or there. The more I try to pull out something deeper or figure out how to appreciate this film a bit more, I just get more frustrated with everything it wasn't.

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Did i just watch 2 hours of a director's fetish? Such a pointless, boring piece of shit. The most disturbing part was how they kept calling the skinny white girl the "big booty girl". Some serious self-inserting going on here. Not surprised when i found out it was directed by a woman.

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Horroroso pastiche con pretensiones intelectuales que se queda no ya a medio camino sino que ni comienza nada reseñable. Para olvidar y borrar cuanto antes.

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Bunch of sex deprived low-lifes traveling trough space in a can into a black hole. Good start, boring badly edited middle section and unsatisfying ending.

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This film reminds me not to listen to some arthouse film critics on the news and especially not those smartass internet film "connoisuier" who abuse the phrase "human condition".

High Life is a slow-burn, and there's nothing wrong with slow burn. I enjoyed Blade Runner and The Irishman. It's just there's nothing really scifi here except the setting and the mechanically accurate black hole. The characters are not likeable, not even remotely relatable to the audience. No depths. Barring Pattinson's and Andre's characters, the film doesn't give the chance to portray them as human beings - only degenerate despicables.

Most of the screen time can be completely cut to 50% and you still barely got what the plot is about. I mean the color and cinematography looks good, in a way that sets the bleak tone of the film. But it's not supported by other elements such as music or sound design.

The more interesting part of the film is the relationship between Pattinson's character and the baby, but like most French auteur the film decides to spend most of its time to sex scenes.

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pretentious, boring, disjointed what counts, final without much sense, have I said pretentious? I don't know what Juliette Binoche paints in this (insult)

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Not sure what to make of this one. It's weird and slow but very atmospheric and I dug all the actual space stuff.

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Space is empty and boring. Now let's make a movie that's completely dull to show that. Why so boring? Doesn't feel any more real. Didn't help with a mood. It's set in space yet there is no atmosphere (pun unintended). At least other lonely space adventures develop consistent underlying plots and interesting character progressions with the isolation. This movie tries hard to be deep.

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This movie successfully explains the noodling effect wherein objects close to a black hole get stretched thin by virtue of having some of their mass closer to the hole than others. As my hand and remote was closer to the screen I decided that after 30 minutes this movie was so dense it was likely my hand had already seen the end of the movie and I could stop it.

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Disliked everything about this movie, from the Set pieces in space to the space suits to the boring story that seemed to drag on forever. it was really hard to stick around till the end.

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If you know anything about the director, you won't begin to watch this film with the intention of diving deep into a real sci-fi drama. Most probably you expect a human story. But this film fails to be either a real human drama or a sci-fi thing, or even an experimental independent work of art. Instead you'll get 2 hours of some overexposed metaphors wrapped in terribly poor visuals and lukewarm sound design (which perhaps was meant to be depressing but it also failed to do so). Despite of the great idea and the excellent casting you'll end up regretting this 2 hours wasted...

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There are few negative qualifiers that cannot be applied to this film. Stupidity from start to finish

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How can something be both incredibly boring and incredibly weird!?

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Utter Shit , that's all I can say about it. Stupid story, awful set designs, terrible , according to IMDB this cost $8m to make and only made $2m at the box office, well that $8 was NOT spent on any of the following, a script, costumes. sets or set designs or special effects, i assume it went to the woeful director and Patterson in their fees...... certainly one I would not put on my CV if i were them

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The perfect analogy for life itself: Pointless and not worth the effort.

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The summary makes it seem like this might be similar to Passengers or The Martian - one guy just trying to survive in space, with entertainment coming from new problems and the creative ways he solves them.
It's definitely not that. There's so many slow-moving artsy scenes where nothing happens that I couldn't keep my attention on the film long enough to make it to the part where the main character is the only one left alive.

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I was equally proud and ashamed that I managed to waste 2 hours sitting through this steaming pile of art house trash.

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Robert Pattinson=Terrible actor in a pile of dog shit waste of time shit ass movie! AVOID!!!!!!

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Shout by Deleted

Space means 0 gravitation but how are the bodies falling down from the spaceship instead of just floating over?! Same thing with the screwdriver from beggining when he was repairing the spaceship from the outside... this is basic phisics.
Lost interest after 30 minutes of this movie...

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one of those movies which is great, but u can't figure out why!

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