Personal Lists featuring...

Hiroshima Mon Amour 1959


Every movie featured in a Cinefix top ten video all in one place.


In 1952, the Sight and Sound team had the novel idea of asking critics to name the greatest films of all time. The tradition became decennial, increasing in size and prestige as the decades passed.

The Sight and Sound poll is now a major bellwether of critical opinion on cinema and 2022’s edition (its eighth) is the largest ever, with 1,639 participating critics, programmers, curators, archivists and academics each submitting their top ten ballot.

Note: While this list is ranked, several entries are ties, that's the reason why this list has actually 264 entries instead of the 250 entries intended. For a more comprehensibly ranked list as well as more information about it, follow the link below.


Historical, Epic, Period Films


Notable Foreign Films


Movies I plan to watch in 2018

by ana laura

pelo amor de deus juro que vou tentar


Although the Cahiers du Cinema directors became the most celebrated members of the Nouvelle Vague, another loose contingent of brilliant and highly original filmmakers were also associated with the movement. This was the Rive Gauche or Left Bank Movement whose core members included Chris Marker, Alain Resnais and Agnes Varda. These filmmakers had backgrounds in documentary and literature, an interest in experimental storytelling, and an identification with the political left. (Although it is worth noting that the label "Left Bank" was constructed by journalists years after the fact. At the time the friends did not consider themselves part of any group). Other associates of the movement included Alain Robbe-Grillet, Marguerite Duras, Henri Colpi, and, by virtue of his marriage to Agnes Varda, Jacques Demy. The following is a selection of films to watch by this group made during the New Wave era. Source:


Updated Jan 2022


Cahiers du Cinéma, (Notebooks on Cinema) is a French film magazine founded in 1951. Top 10 films chosen annually by the critics of Cahiers du Cinéma.


The history of the Cahiers is related to the Cinéma history, in particular because of a generation of enthusiasts who gave birth to the Nouvelle Vague. Jean-Luc Godard, François Truffaut, Éric Rohmer, Jacques Rivette, Claude Chabrol and many others wrote their first reviews before becoming filmmakers.



I've got the 10th edition of the German translation of "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die". It's a 960-paged book edited by Steven Jay Schneider, containing the combined knowledge of 77 internationally renowned movie ciritics, with short one to half-sided essays, movie credits, and trivia, throughout all genres and countries.

There are already a number of lists out, however, this book is reviewed every year, and as far as I can tell (I did go through a lot of these lists) non depicts the 2013 edition I possess, which ends with Life of Pi. I then thought of the ideal list being on that includes all movies, starting from the original list from 2003, with all the editions but non of the removals since then. Thanks to the internet, such list exists and therefore I will be adding these here, one by one. I did not "rank" them, because actually the book doesn't either - they are ordered by year and that is as meaningful as any other order I guess. Also, the "ranked lists" all have the problem that some movies are removed, which is why a number of people think about how to renumber this list probably... all things I deem unnecessary.

And yes, I intend to watch them all! If you watch one of them every week, it's just a 20 years task :D


Country's: Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, China


Selection of the best movies from Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India.


1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics.


Classic cinema

by Renan Siqueira

Good ol' classic movies I have no expectations to be in the mood to watch in the foreseeable future.



by physik
