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Home Team 2022

Better than Sense8 lol

I enjoyed this. It was fun, cute and funny!
And no agenda :)

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I mean lol, you put this on expecting a stupid movie with sports, you get what you expected. Once I saw Adam Sandler produced it I said oh, of course he did.

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Typical feel-good underdog comedy. A reasonably fun time.

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Couldn't make it past the first 15 minutes

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Predictable and unfunny, this is one sports movie you won’t be rooting for!

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I lied.. after seeing that cameo it gets a 10/10

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I'm not a sports fan so don't know if any of this stuff is true. It is a fairly decent "Bad News Bear" type of flick, but certainly not brilliant. Watchable and a giggle or two.

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At first I was going to give it a 6/10 or 7/10 but after that ending it deserves a 8

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Over all, it was a good film

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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I don’t know anything about football… I only watched this because of Taylor Lautner… He‘s still hot.
The movie was okay, not very funny, but not too boring either. I thought Kevin James gave a good performance. The kids were adorable.

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