Personal Lists featuring...

Hoodwinked Too! Hood VS. Evil 2011


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
What Maisie Knew (2012)
Buried (2010)
The Babadook (2014)
Song of the Sea (2014)
Sleeping with Other People (2015)
Coriolanus (2011)
Palo Alto (2013)
The Hunt (2012)
Tamara Drewe (2010)
Machine Gun Preacher (2011)
Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2015)

Last Updated: 26/06/2019


Movies that are digitally made mostly cartoons In Alphabetical Order


I need 3 watch lists because I've got 1k+ canons and because it's neater, lol. Stuff in this list is likely hard to find (especially if I need subtitles) or just not a big priority. I'm always open to recommendations! See for details and also ways to contact me if you don't have a Trakt.TV account.


The German spelling "Grethel" appears in the original text.
The English translation is "Gretel".


Movies released and TV Shows and Documentaries aired from 2010 - 2019.
