Shouts about...

Hook 1991

One of my favourite movies. I always lean to anything fairytale related, and this retelling of Peter Pan is no different. Robin Williams is AMAZING in his role as an aged Peter Pan and he really does make the film. The rest of the cast are just as incredible though, it really is an all celebrity cast.

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Loved this one.

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Nothing will ever convince me that this was a bad movie. I know the critics hated it, and I know Spielberg wasn't too keen on it until after Robin's death, but this is the perfect adventure movie to me. Sure, the nostalgia glasses are probably forming that opinion, but to me, there are very few moments in movies that have ever hit as hard as Peter remembering how to fly. "Just hold on to that happy thought, Peter!" right as John Williams' perfect score kicks in as Peter flies through that tree...perfection.

Also, Hoffman absolute hamming it up as Hook is too much fun. Dude was told to be an old-school film villain, and he just ran with it.

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Robin Williams, efficient antidepressant with no side effects.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2020-11-13T22:50:16Z— updated 2020-11-26T21:27:10Z

A classic that isn’t perfect but deserves better reviews. The casting is top notch. The musical score is magical. As are the visuals.
The movie just takes a wrong turn when one of the lost boys are killed by Hook. It takes away some of the magic.

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My first and last watch; which is a great shame because I love Robin Williams.
It doesn't feel like a big screen movie, it feels like a TV broadcast of a stage play.
Dustin Hoffman gives an okay impersonation of the great Peter Cook playing Captain Hook.

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Definitely wasn't expecting prince Zuko in this one.

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it's sad to see Peter all grown up and I mean come on, marrying Wendy's GRANDDAUGHTER. And Tinker Bell was awful.

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I never saw this as a kid so I have no nostalgia for this. Once they go to Never land I became bored. This is way too long. Robin Williams is alright, this is not his best. I thought Dustin Hoffman's Hook was weird. All the kids were annoying.

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Steven Spielberg’s Hook is a colossal blunder that fails spectacularly. This re-imagining of James Barrie’s classic tale finds Peter Pan all grown-up and returning to Neverland to rescue his children from the clutches of Captain Hook. With an all-star cast that includes Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, Bob Hoskins, and Julia Roberts, one would think that the film couldn’t go wrong; but somehow Spielberg found a way. The most atrocious aspect of this re-imagining is the Lost Boys; which are written as bad ‘90s caricatures. Additionally, the special effects and set designs are astoundingly poor (which seems unimaginable for a Spielberg film). John Williams delivers a wonderfully enchanting score, but it can only do so much. Yet, there are a few magical moments, and a charm to some of the characters. While it’s mildly entertaining, Hook is a complete mess that fails to live up to the spirit of Barrie’s classic.

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