Shouts about...

Host 2020

This was actually a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. I enjoyed it enough to not feel it was a waste of time and the jump scares got me good. Also, I love it when the moral of the story is "even if you don't believe in the paranormal, don't be disrespectful about it you dumb b*tch" because that's an important message.

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Genuinely good! And considering the limited technology used, this was very unnerving. I haven't seen a good horror movie in a long time, but this changed that. I shall not be using Zoom in the near future!

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Pretty damn good for what it is. Jump scares were a nice mix of actual scares versus misdirection scares.

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I love that the runtime is around 40min because Zoom. Pretty realistic if you ask me :joy:

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Not only is this a great horror movie, but future historians will look back on it as a time capsule for the mess that 2020 is.

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This movie is scary!! Believe me if you get scared easily, do not watch this alone specially in night.
I had very little hope in this movie but it turned out amazing. I have seen a gew movies with the same setting (what should we call this genre? Screen capture, Desktop movie? Is there already a name for this? I don't know). Nice idea though, haunting on a Zoom call.

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Surprisingly good production values for a Zoom based jump scare short. Not bad at all, and any negatives are easily palatable at this kind of runtime. Worth a watch.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Host’:

  1. Bravo, Shudder. You got me. I was rightfully on edge for most of the film’s runtime. Supremely spooked… and that doesn’t happen often. A lot of it may be due to watching it alone in my apartment in the middle of the night. Still, solid flick.

  2. It’s hard to believe this was just under an hour. They really made such great use of the time. It felt like a full-length feature film.

  3. We only got a glimpse of that demon thingy a couple times… and that was enough. I didn’t wanna see it again. Total nightmare fuel.

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wait, that was... awesome. I've seen SO many horror movies in my 21 years of life that it's really hard for me to feel scared now, but this movie did that. i think it was mainly because it felt so modern and real, like it could happen to any of us any day. although it is predictable and nothing new, they were able to deliver some very effective jumpscares. the scene where the filter seems to detect a face where presumably there isn't one was chef's kiss. honestly worth a watch. i loved it

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Definitely worth to watch! Much better than most of the same plot. Acting very very good, it felt really real

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The freaking neighbours above me won't stop dropping crap. Of all the nights, it had to be after this movie. I never hated them so much in my life. It's my neighbours, ok. Just neighbours.

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Really terrifying, especially with the increased usage of Zoom during 2020. Also, I thought the credits showing as someone scrolling through their Zoom connections was super clever. Definitely recommend!

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Like cheating a psychic: this film took advantage of the medium.

Host is such an efficient little horror film that I can even overlook the bad pun of the title. It capitalizes on the spirit of the lockdown and virtual meetings to deliver some effective scares and edge of the bed suspense. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a found footage slut.

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What a perfect way to start a list of top movies of the year: A found footage film that takes place in real time via-Zoom meeting. So much could have gone wrong, but the film is perfect in its execution and nail-biting intensity.

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Fuckin Scary! Felt real. I'm glad i watched it in the afternoon.

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Extremely enjoyable and well made for the current covid situation. All the characters are relatable in their different personalities, almost really feeling a friend group in a Skype call. This is how Unfriended should have been. The first two acts were fucking strong, my chest was pumping and I was hiding behind my hands. But the final act goes too far, it wants to pack in all the scares and ruins the tension and fear of the unknown from the first two acts. What made Paranormal activity so good was the invisible entity, this is what the Host had in the first two acts. But they decided to show the entity in a physical form, almost destroying the scares and making me lower my hand from fear anymore. Overall, it’s a recommended watch, fun and starting strong.

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I hate horror movies & I was forced to watch this, but rating it on a scale of how scared I was, 10/10. I watched a lot of scenes through the gaps between my fingers.

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One of the better, more competent found footage horror films. No real unnecessary jump-scares. Things happen in the background silently, it can be unnerving. Great pacing for it's short runtime.

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so, the girl who disrespected the spirit is practically the last to die, the others who have done nothing die before, it is a lesson in life, even if it is not your fault you will fuck yourself together. very good film, leaves traumatized and afraid to turn off the lights.

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Really unoriginal, cliche and predictable, but also surprisingly well acted and skillfully made.
If you accept that not every film has to reinvent the wheel, you’ll probably enjoy this.


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Shout by LukieB

I don't have much to say about the movie other than it was decent and that Jemma was dumb for going to her friend's house at the end. Like, you escaped and went to danger instead of the police smh.

At Time of Review:
Solid 6/10

Story and Characters: 6/10
Presentation: 7/10
Enjoyability: 6/10

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Pretty good movie. Obviously trying to copy the style the Unfriended had.

While there were questionable plot holes (Jemma holding the camera after getting to Haley's house) I liked the execution of the must.

I typically don't enjoy movies with jumpscares but these were well executed.

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Despite being only 55 minutes long and created in 3 months, this was really well done. In the short amount of time, you actually get character development and had some very tense moments. Even the first part of the ending credits was intuitive. It moves quick (they only have 40 minutes since they are using the free version of Zoom) but gives a complete story.

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There's multiple rooms Radina could've gone to chat if the noise annoyed her so much. There's one place for him to cook. She's already my least favourite.

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[Sitges FF] A traditional jump/scary movie that benefits from confinement to rework itself as a talented proposal. It's the context that gives it the value and depth. There is something stalking us, threatening even in our own homes. A "new normal" terrifying life that we have assumed as usual. The director achieves a lot with little, creates remarkable entertainment, and wraps videoconferencing culture in gloom.

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Ok so I'm not sure I got everything. But yes amazing production values and atmosphere considering.

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short n sweet - if it had a longer runtime im sure the rating would be lower. not very original, but it was a decent watch

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