Shouts about...

Hotel Poseidon 2021

I'm in no way a cineast, but I quite enjoy this kind of somewhat pretentious arthouse television plays that I feel this is in tradition of. The atmosphere is good and I liked in particular the scenes at the party with the band. The new wave/goth and metal soundtracks are a perfect fit. There is some great dark humor but some of the more farsical elements I could do without. Scenography is neat and as far as I can tell the acting is good. That said, I also feel like I've seen it before. It's not like I could predict it, but all in all there weren't really any surprises either. I'd say it is a well made and ok genre film.

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An absolutely chilling, surreal and quite thoroughly anxiety inducing psychological arthouse horror. Despite being light on plot and at times it seems that the director overindulges in disorienting the audience with its bizarre sequences, this piece of arthouse horror is strangely compelling. It delivers what you'd expect from good arthouse horror, peppered with strong audio-visual horror experience and some great darkly comedic moments, but the best part is Tom Vermeir’s committed performance. This film has that moment that before it's even over you know you're going to be watching it again sometime.

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Bonkers and trippy but I enjoyed it!

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