The first part was boring, nothing exciting has happened. The second half was good, It kept me in suspense.

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If you can stay awake for the first half of the movie (boring as shit) then you are in for a decent plot twist; but even that can't make up for that truly horrid start.

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LOL, it's not a bad movie much less deserving 1/10. Quit overreacting some of you. Do you even know how terrible something ought to be to earn a 1/10? If I made a movie right now it'd probably be at least a solid 3. There were some obnoxious moments, cliches and the relation between characters was very movish, but other than that it had intense scenes towards the ending and a good twist.

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It wasn't has bad as ppl say, and good twist.

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jesus wept this was appalling

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Loved this movie, it begins almost as a romance movie then dramatically shifts halfway through. It was a great turn on the expectations the viewer had built up.

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I really enjoyed this movie. I am much less fond of Jennifer Lawrence than everybody else seems to be, but in this movie she actually does a really good job. All actors are pretty good.

The movie starts of really bloody, but still also really artistic - I love how the movie starts, or the murder that we only witness from underneath the bed by watching the pillow feathers fall down like snow; great images caputed.

Then we have a typical setup to a climax, which starts really slow, introducing all the important characters and their relation to each other, until it starts getting exciting, two or three times (e.g. when she get's away twice, or the bone breaking scene).

And while you might always feel that ther could be something wrong, you're not sure entirely and the movie really builds up on that, with a couple of suprising twists.

So all in all, I was excited and well entertained, I loved the acting, I loved the music, the color grading, the visuals. Good movie:

4/5 points

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i really liked this one, not all that predictable.

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The plot twist at the end was quite good but not even Jennifer Lawrence was able to save the rest of the movie.

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It was okay but nothing special really. A good plot twist though

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I was pleasantly surprised. Five

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I didn't find the beginning boring at all like some other people here, but likewise I didn't feel like the second half of the movie, the "twist", made a lot of sense. It was okay, but nothing I'd bother watching again.

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Decent cast.. looked promising. Afraid it was the total opposite. A pretty bad effort for a ‘thriller’, as it claims to be.

A positive I will mention, is that there is a twist I personally didn’t see coming.. however it still didn’t take away the poor storyline and lack of quality suspense. I have seen similar, worse films, and I am critical in the rating of films.. but I find 5/10 to obviously be average, and this was most definitely below that. I would never watch again.

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Shout by Jas

I can’t see the face in the tree :sob: I crossed my eyes and everything, still nothing argh

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The first half of the movie does spend a lot of time setting up characters and backgrounds. Then the horror/thriller part of the movie starts to get going. You might think you know where the movie is headed, but you'll most likely be wrong. Overall a pretty good watch, just not great.

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Shout by Deleted

Un film pour les ados : tout y respire le formatage pour un public à peine pubère. La musique d'abord qui est dans la droite ligne de ce qu'on trouve dans les films récents, genre Twilight & Cie. Le casting ensuite, qui fait la part belle aux jeunes beaux. Jennifer Lawrence ensuite qui est bien à son avantage mais bon, c'est tellement appuyé que çà en devient drôle. L'intrigue est cousue de fil blanc à de rares exceptions près. Une en fois : l'identité réelle de Carrie Anne. Tout le reste a été vu et revu.

Bref, aussitôt vu, aussitôt oublié.

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if you want to watch a teenage girl make friends and then get into a fight w/ her bf watch house at the end of the street

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