Personal Lists featuring...

House of 9 2005


‣ Play a game to survive
‣ Fight against time
‣ Puzzles/Escape room-esque

(Haven't seen them all and a bunch of them are bad lol)


Am umbrella for all movies that keep your hearts pumped throughout the ride!


Movies and shows that take place mostly in just one room.


keeping track of my horror & suspense intake.


Sci-fi/Horror/Thriller/Mystery Movies that take place in a single location for at least 70% of the runtime. I tried to avoid run of the mill movies and movies set in one big location (like an entire town), but left a few that are on par with the list.


Movies where people are locked in some space


Ontology is the philosophical study of being, existance, becoming and reality. In simple terms it seeks to classify and explain entities.

In movies and tv show ontology usually comes in the flavor of an ontological mystery at the center of the plot with several of the following elements: the characters do not know who they are, where they are, how they got to the place there are in, and the central conflict is to get out of there and find answers to the above questions.

In the most common version of the trope, the characters are locked into a strange room or find themselves at a strange place with no contact to the outside. They have no idea how they got there, why they are there or how to get out, nor do they know who is behind their predicament, if anyone at all.

The main idea behind such stories is the investigation of a restricted environment in which the characters find themselves with the goal of mastering the environment, revealing secrets, and ultimately escape.

This list focuses on such stories. I added a few edge cases for good measure, like pure escape room, death game or timeloop movies that have a strong ontological undertone, even though they are not ontological mysteries per se.

If you think something shouldn't be on this list, or if I missed something that should be on here please leave a comment.

Last Updated: 2023/02/03


Horror movies I watched during October 2020.


Movies that put a group of strangers together at first, whether drugged or kidnapped without any clear reason. Upon wakeup, the strangers must band together to figure out why they are brought there, and how they can get out alive, either by completing challenge or killing until last one survive, one way or another...


Películas que transcurren en un mismo escenario y que normalmente los personajes tienen que matarse entre ellos.
