Personal Lists featuring...

Howl 2015


En “Rank” están ordenadas alfabéticamente pero también respetando cada saga.


Horror movies

by DangerousBeauty_84


Horror/-Mystery/-Thriller/-Comedy -etc, bad, good -
movies that I have watched




I Love to Watch Disaster Movies so I am providing this Great List of Disaster Movies for others to get their fill as well.


The Werewolf Sub-Genre has always been a rather bland one for us. Aside from a few standout titles being stellar, we've found that most Werewolf flicks tend to underwhelm us. A lot of them just aren't that good. Growing up in a time when An American Werewolf in London and The Howling set the bar on Werewolf movies at a crazy high level probably has a lot to do with it though. They spoiled us.

When done right though, Werewolf movies have an unbridled ferocity about them, and they make us identify with the plight of those doomed to change into bloodthirsty monsters by the light of the moon... or fear the ones who do so simply because they can.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Werewolf flick, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. For our money, An American Werewolf in London and The Howling are probably the best of them, but then again they all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the Werewolf Sub-Genre, so just enjoy them all!

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Werewolf flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".



British horror. Updated weekly.


A large collection of WEREWOLF categorised Movies &TV Shows.
*Last update 21/11/2023


Films I watched and plan to watch


Werewolf Horror. Updated weekly.



by ScullyFL

Standalone movies I want to watch...


All the Found Footage, American, Anthologies, J-Horror,Killers

Creatures,Zombies and the awful bad ones.


This list is dedicated to my beautiful precious daughter Shannon Hewat, who tragically lost her life, at the tender age of 20.

She joined the Angels :angel: on 24th July 2020.

I’m going from memory and her Netflix watched list, but of course I can’t rate them for her.

I do know she adored:

Toy Boy
Louis Theroux Documentaries

Shawshank Redemption
Green Mile

(I will add more of her favourites above soon).

She was my shadow, my best friend. She was more than beautiful; intelligent, a heart of gold, ambitious, hilarious with a quick wit, a fitness fanatic and so much more. I was and am extremely proud of her, she was everything a mother could want.

She also was adored by her grandmother, who was her 2nd mum and also her two amazing brothers, Dominic & Connor.

She didn’t realise, as so many of us do that she was extremely popular and loved by so many people and has left a huge hole in many people’s hearts. Especially, her best friend Lillie :two_hearts:

We don’t only grieve for how much we miss her, but for the life she wanted. She had many dreams and one of which was to have her own family and share weekends together in the future with her children & family and her bother’s children and family.

She had a phenomenal bright future ahead and had only in the previous 10 months found the confidence to go out and enjoy life.

We lost her to suicide.

She didn’t intend on dying, she took pills to make herself ill, in desperation for someone’s attention.

Tragically, only 8 paracetamol can kill you!

She should still be here, she wanted to be here.

If you’re reading this and ever feel down, please don’t try suicide. Shannon didn’t want to die and the grief and effects on family and friends have been devastating.

Please please reach out if you feel down.

And if you do take an overdose or know someone who has; time is crucial! No matter how little you take, or how sick you’ve been, you must get medical attention.

Shannon waited 24hrs before telling anyone and by then it was too late. It was not the amount she took, it was the timescale.

She tragically died a painful and horrific death. And due to covid, she was alone in hospital. She died, scared and alone.

Please enjoy her list of Shows and Films, just a tiny way for the world to know her.

Sleep well my Princess, I’m looking forward to the day I can hold you in my arms again. X:cherry_blossom:X


One of my favourite genres :)

Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


Halloween movies

by lobeyoylongtim
