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Hugo 2011

A beautiful movie!

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Agreed. It was not bad, but in my opinion it doesn't deserve the high standing it received at IMDb or a total of 11 Oscar nominations.

I liked the music that was playing. It really gave the movie a french vibe even though everyone was speaking English. It reminded me of the Pixar movie Ratatouille.

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recently watched. entertaining and kept me on the edge of my seat! I love Kingsley as Georges and Sacha Baron Cohen is brilliant!

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An outstanding film for lovers of film by a great lover of film. Scorsese succeeds in letting the audience see the origins of cinematic dream-making through the lens of hyper-contemporary cinematic technology. Kingsley is stellar, & Moretz demonstrates that she has a great future in film, should she want it. Butterfield is a bit wooden, but he is far from unwatchable. Sumptuous but somehow intimate, Hugo shows that technology when used properly can complement the story.

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Surprisingly good film, even if a little long in the tooth.

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A great film directed in a magic way by Scorsese made for every cinema lover who respects and aprreciate art.

7.8/10 Reccomend this for every kind of taste.

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movie could have been more centered on hugo.

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Wonderful, wide-eyed, sentimental adventures through the eyes of an imaginative child. With a root premise ripped from the pages of industrial-era kids' stories, it's innocent and magical but also grounded, stretching reality like the best fairy tales. Though the plot is routinely jabbing in unexpected new directions, it's all done with a purpose and everything comes together beautifully in time for the closing credits.

Asa Butterfield and Chloe Grace Moretz are appropriately doe-eyed and rambunctious youths, Ben Kingsley brings a perfect amount of hidden warmth to the role of the stern, icy toy shop owner with a secret, and Sacha Baron Cohen shows surprising versatility in his turn as the persistent, bumbling train station officer. Spectacular visuals, passionate storytelling and expert direction make this kids' movie suitable for all ages, even if it does drag for a stretch in the second act.

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story of machines and cinemas

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It was worth a re watch, was like a new film and still enjoyable, worth my time with a strong cast specially asa that’s grown up to be a good actor.

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The rare movie that we could actually watch with our kids. It wasn't amazing by any stretch but it was good enough for family movie night. The story was clean and there are good messages (if you are looking for that kind of stuff) and it held the attention of our kids (7 - 9). Check it out in 3d if you can - they did a great job with that.

I've rated other family movies here (there are some good ones):

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Paco Cinema: Image 4,25 / 5 and sound 4,25 / 5 and 3D 4,5 / 5. I still like it, Scorsese makes a great movie, 3D very good

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-09-05T02:47:02Z— updated 2018-07-07T21:58:52Z

A film about films by one of the best filmmakers. I loved seeing how they showed the origin of film. I need to watch a trip to the moon asap. Scorsese shows he can do different types of movies and why he truly is one of the greatest directors.

Edit: I have now seen A Trip to the Moon. I really enjoyed the second half of this movie much more than the first. Once it focused on the film story it was a lot more interesting. I would love a biopic from Scorsese about someone who makes movies. He already did it a little in The Aviator but now I want a full movie about movies.

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Brilliance, wonder, magic, heart, a bit of everything.

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Shout by Deleted

I liked it.

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A technically great movie-- cinematography, acting, and directing. But, I did not find it very entertaining and lost interest. If this is aimed at children, I would be surprised if they can sit through the whole thing. I appreciate this ode to the origins of film, but it's not likely something I would watch again outside of testing 3D at home (if that ever comes back).

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Visually, it's a very well-made film, but I have no idea what age group it's aimed at. It's too childish for adults and too bleak for children. Additionally, remembering that it's set in the interwar period, we can't forget that a terrible future awaits our protagonists.

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It wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't too great. Even the special effects weren't all that great. I didn't go in expecting too much and I guess I came out not too disappointed.
It had it's moments, but not worth all the Oscar nominations or high praise.

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Romanticized version of Paris as a backdrop, but none of the actors speak french throughout the film. Overly corny story. Overall a poor film. Still stunned it has such a positive reception.

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This delightful film transports viewers to a simple, elegant world portrayed in vivid colors, colorful music and touching acting. I thoroughly enjoyed the pacing and setting of the movie, which added life and texture to the story. Although liberties are taken for the sake of romanticizing 1930s Paris, the focus of Hugo is less on the 1930s than it is on the efforts of early filmmakers and what can be learned from the past. Kingsley's acting is particularly noteworthy, though promising young star Butterfield gives an excellent performance, proving that he can keep up with the more experienced actors. Endearing and well-crafted, Hugo resounds with themes of love, family and reunion, making it a satisfying and enjoyable watch.

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It's not bad, but nothing special IMO.

I like the other Scorsese movies better.

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Shout by Deleted

Very good film, good casting and with great attention to detail.

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Revisiting this for the first time since it came out thanks to the new 4k, this time as a cinephile and what a beautiful tribute to pioneers of cinema. All of the characters are charming in their own way which makes this very watchable instead of being an art house movie for historians.

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Did not like this movie at all!

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